On the third day of his visit to South Africa the President of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, was invited to be interviewed by SIBC News, South African TV, where he declared that "the UN realism is decreasing day after day due to the lack of any actual solutions and the increasing of Moroccan violations in the territory."
The President added that the UN and Morocco are the responsible parties for the current situation of neither war nor peace.
"In 1999 Morocco agreed to organize the referendum in Western Sahara under the supervision of UN, but when the UN commission completed its work of determining the Saharawi people who have the right to vote, and after the death of Hassan II, the Moroccan government changed its policy and violated all the past agreements that it had with the Polisario Front," said the President.
"The last resolution asked for more effort to enable the Saharawi people to practice their right of self-determination and backs the informal talks between Morocco and Polisario. So we welcome all this and are ready to work with the new envoy, Mr. Cristoffer Ross," answered the President Mohamed to the question of SBIC News about his views concerning the last resolution 1871. " Morocco is responsible for the failing of the previous negotiations, and it needs more pressure to review its stand."
Moreover, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz spoke about the "humanitarian dimension" that was included in the resolution 1871 and said that this expression is not enough because of the torture and rape that Moroccan authorities practice against the Saharawi people in the occupied territories and the grave violation of their human rights.
"It is shameful that the UN is incapable of including human right monitoring within the new mandate of MINURSO, only because of the French stand in support of Morocco ," he added.
In addition, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz was asked about the future plans of the Polisario Front with all these Moroccan obstacles, and he said, "The Saharawi people had to fight more than 16 years and made it impossible for the Moroccan army to gain any victories. When the UN asked us to stop the military confrontation and promised to carry out the referendum in the region, we replied straight away, but now France is prohibiting the UN from fulfilling its promises."
"The UN must work to give the Saharawi people their right of self-determination," ensured the President.
In his interview with SIBC News, the President of SADR spoke about his meeting with some presidents during the inauguration of the South African president, Mr. Jacob Zuma.
Finally, at the end of the interview the President was asked about his expectation from this visit to South Africa .
"The deep relations between the African National Congress, ANC, and the Polisario Front obliged me to ask all the countries that emerged through their national movements to support the Saharawi people for their legal right of self-determination," he said.
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