O Conselho Português para a Paz e Cooperação condena as recentes agressões e a actuação das forças policiais marroquinas no quadro da visita de uma delegação do Parlamento Europeu à cidade ocupada de El Aaiun, sobre os cidadãos saharauis e seus representantes.
As forças de ocupação marroquinas procederam ao encerramento das principais ruas que conduzem à cidade de El Aaiun (Sahara Ocidental) na véspera da chegada da missão ad hoc do Parlamento Europeu ao Sahara Ocidental. El Aaiun esteve sob um férreo controlo policial durante todo o dia de ontem, com o evidente propósito de impedir todas as manifestações que reclamem o direito à autodeterminação do povo Saharaui".
A Associação de Vitimas de Graves Violações de Direitos Humanos (ASVDH) denunciou a detenção na semana passada de El Hafed Toubali, destacado activista saharaui dos Direitos Humanos, tendo sido interrogado sobre as manifestações previstas durante a visita da missão ad hoc da EU.
Na terça-feira, dia 27 de Janeiro, a policia marroquina agrediu brutalmente três representantes do Comité Contra a Tortura de Dajla quando estes se iam reunir com a delegação do PE, composta por Hamia Ahmed Musa y Rachid Sghyar.Foram torturados em plena rua e depois levados num veiculo policial enquanto que Ulad Chej Mahyhub conseguiu alcançar o Hotel com graves feridas nas pernas.
Foram ainda detidos e interrogados Amminatou Haidar (nomeada em 2008 para o prémio Nobel da Paz) e Ali Salem Tamek, membros do Colectivo Saharaui de Defensores dos Direitos do Homem após reunião que mantiveram com a delegação.
Conselho Português para a Paz e Cooperação
sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2009

(CC.OO.S )
Continuando la visita de la delegación Adhoc del parlamento europeo a la ciudad de El Aaiún, el Martes 27 de enero del 2009 , las autoridades marroquíes han aislado por completo a dicha delegación y desplegado un cinturón policial en todos los accesos al hotel dónde se hospedaban, "El Parador".
Los sindicalistas saharauis: EDDIA SIDI AHMED MOUSSA , HALLAB BACHIR KHALIL y HOSSEIN SAIDI fueron agredidos al intentar acceder al lugar dónde se encontraba la delegación con el fin de tratar los expedientes de los trabajadores saharauis de las administraciones españolas y de la mina de Phosboucraa, y plantear sus problemas relativos a la delegación europea .
A este efecto, el CC.OO.S. declara a la opinión pública nacional e internacional:
- Ponemos bajo reserva el método, el lugar y el programa de la visita.
- Asumida la responsabilidad y las consecuencias de este impedimento de las autoridades marroquíes.
- El fin inmediato del embargo ejercido sobre los sindicalistas saharauis.
- Solicitar a los sindicatos y organizaciones internacionales la intervención a fin de proteger los sindicatos saharauis.
El Aaiún , 27 de enero 2009
Seis webs de un movimiento islamista marroquí han sido bloqueadas

Seis sitios web del movimiento islamista Al Adl Ual Ihsan (Justicia y Caridad) permanecen bloqueados desde el 17 de enero para los internautas en Marruecos, según denunció la organización Reporteros Sin Fronteras (RSF).
Según la ONG, los operadores de telecomunicaciones Maroc Télécom, Méditel y Wana impidieron el acceso a estas páginas web desde el interior de Marruecos, aunque todavía se puede acceder a ellos a través de herramientas de navegación "anónimas" como, que enmascaran el número individual de identificación del ordenador.
, informa RSF en un comunicado.
Para Omar Amkasu, jefe de prensa de Justicia y Caridad, con este bloqueo, el poder marroquí "refuerza la convicción" que tiene este movimiento según la cual, Marruecos "vive una verdadera degradación, especialmente en cuanto a las libertades públicas".
Para Mohamed Darif, politólogo y especialista en movimientos islamistas, esta prohibición no se debe a un problema técnico, sino a "un intento de las autoridades de privar a la Yamaa de sus medios de movilización, ya que ha logrado organizar numerosas sentadas y manifestaciones con gran seguimiento desde que comenzó la ofensiva israelí sobre Gaza".
La lutte du peuple sahraoui pour son droit à la liberté, est celle de l’Afrique toute entière¨ affirme le Secrétaire chargé de l’Afrique au MAE Nigéri

Abuja, Le Secrétaire chargé de l’Afrique au Ministère des Affaires Etrangères de la République Fédérale du Nigéria, Amb. Alex Anigbo a affirmé mercredi que "la lutte menée par le peuple sahraoui pour son droit inaliénable à l’autodétermination et la liberté, est celle de l’Afrique toute entière.
M. Anigbo qui recevait au siège du Ministère des affaire étrangères à Abuja l’ambassadeur sahraoui M. Oubi Bouchraya Bachir a ajoute qu'il s'agit là ´´d’un processus de décolonisation de la dernière colonie du continent, paralysé depuis trios décennies par l’occupation marocaine´..
Il a rappelé le soutien indéfectible de son pays au droit inaliénable du peuple Sahraoui à l’autodétermination à travers un référendum libre, régulier et transparent sous l’égide des Nations Unies, exprimant sa "préoccupation face aux plusieurs rapports internationaux sur la répression et les violations des droits de l'homme commises au Sahara Occidental par le Maroc", a précisé la même source.
Pour sa part, l’ambassadeur sahraoui a exprimé au nom du Gouvernement de la RASD ´´la gratitude au Nigéria pour le rôle constructif qu'il joue en faveur du peuple sahraoui et pour la résolution du conflit au Sahara occidental sur la base du respect de la légalité international´´ et réitéré ´´la volonté du Gouvernement sahraoui à consolider les relations bilatérales avec Abuja´´, a-t-il martelé.
9 Saharawi human rights org call on the EU to insure the exercise of self-determination in Western Sahara
Nine Saharawi human rights organisations and committees called in the European Union to insure that the Saharawi people can exercise their right to self-determination, as a basic human right. The nine organisations sent a letter to the members of the European Parliament’s ad-hoc delegation that visited the occupied capital of Western Sahara, El Aaiun, last Tuesday 27 January. Members of the nine organisations, it should be recalled, were intimidated, harassed or even arrested by the Moroccan police, which was sealing the residence where the European delegation was seating, before they finally could meet with the European parliamentarians. Here is the complete text of the letter ---------------- 27 January 2009 Saharawi human rights organisations and committees Western Sahara Letter for the distinguished members of the mission of the European Parliament visit to Morocco and Western Sahara The Sahrawi associations active in the field of human rights are honoured to send you this letter, through which they wish to express, first of all, welcome and to express the immense joy to take part in this meeting that we have long awaited. Also, we take this opportunity to share with you our deep concern at the continuing violations of human rights in Western Sahara, with very serious abuses against the Sahrawi civilians in general and the Sahrawi human rights defenders in particular. This is, of course, the result of a political and military conflict that has lasted more than three decades during which it contributed to the climate of frustration that has further increased the suffering of a population which is the victim of all forms of discrimination and humiliations and that is deprived of its right to respect and human dignity. The Sahrawi associations are aware of the importance of the European Union and its institutions as a force of stability and cooperation in the world that can help reduce all forms of injustice and spread an atmosphere of peace and security beyond its borders. To this end, we urge the European Parliament and, through it the European Union, to play a central role in the solution of the conflict in Western Sahara, in conformity with international law and multiple UN resolutions that call for respect for the inalienable right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination through the holding of a free and democratic referendum allowing the people to freely choose their future. A lasting solution to the conflict in Western Sahara, based on international law will undoubtedly contribute to paving the way to building a Maghreb that rejects exclusion and denial of rights and which is united, reconciled, stable and prosperous. Europe, which maintains close ties with Morocco, should put pressure on it to comply with international law by accepting the holding of a referendum of self-determination of the Sahrawi people as soon as possible. Since the issue of resources is a particular aspect of the very important but more general problem of the right of peoples to self-determination and to decide their wealth, we believe that the fisheries agreement signed between Europe and Morocco, including the territorial waters of Western Sahara was contrary to international law in that it does not recognize the legal status of Western Sahara. The legal opinion of the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs of the United Nations, in his letter of 29 January 2002 addressed to the President of the Security Council, has rightly highlighted the non-self-governing status of the territory of Western Sahara, which remains since 1963 on the list UN Non-Self-Governing Territories. If we look at all the UN resolutions and Article 73 of the Charter of the United Nations, we can easily see that it has developed rules governing the preservation of natural resources in non-self-governing territories, rules that must also be respected in Western Sahara. Also, it is worth noting that the fishing accord between Morocco and the European Union contains a paragraph on arrangements to bring benefits to the Saharawi population with the aim, obviously, to give some sort of legitimacy to that Agreement! This population has not received any benefit when there is no mechanism to implement it or guarantee its implementation. We undersigned Sahrawi associations, active in the field of human rights, hope that the mission of the European Parliament paves the way to a new era, which hopefully will be marked by continued strong links and contacts, and a productive partnership between the EU and the Sahrawi associations active in the field of human rights, but we also hope that Europe will contributes to the solution of the conflict in Western Sahara on the basis of a free and democratic referendum enabling its people to freely choose their destiny. The Sahrawi associations signatories: - Sahrawi Association of Victims of Grave Human Rights Violations Committed by the Moroccan State (ASVDH) - Defence Committee for the Right of Self-Determination of the People of Western Sahara (CODAPSO) - The Sahrawi Prisoners Defence Alliance - The Saharawi Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in Smara / Western Sahara - The Defense Committee for the Settlement Plan and Natural Resources in Western Sahara - The Committee of Families of Disappeared Sahrawis - The Committee of the Families and Mothers of the Abducted 15 Youths - The Committee Against Torture in Dakhla / Sahara Occidental - The Committee of the Families of the Matyres El Aaiun, on 27 January 2009
Mustapha Abd Daiem put under tight surveillance and deprived of his rights as prisoner of conscience
The sister of the Saharawi human rights defender, journalist and short-stories’ writer, Mustapha Abd Daiem, informed UPES that her brother is put under tight surveillance and deprived from his basic rights as prisoner of conscience in the Moroccan local prison in Ait Melloul. The Saharawi journalist, member of UPES, is serving a 3 years imprisonment sentence because of his political opinions and opposition to the Moroccan illegal occupation of Western Sahara. Mrs. Khadija Abd Daiem, the prisoner’s sister, informed UPES that Mustapha’s health is deteriorating. The prisoner is suffering severe head-aches, toothaches and problems in his back “because the penitentiary administration didn’t give him a bed like other prisoners. He has to sleep on the bare ground in this cold winter”. On the other hand, she adds, “he is only allowed to see the members of the family, and only for 15 minutes, though we have to travel all the way from Assa city to Ait Melloul, while his friends and comrades are not allowed to visit him”. With regards to the contact with the outside world, the administration put the prisoner under a real siege. He has no access to newspapers or magazines. It should be recalled that the Moroccan forces of occupation adopted these measures against Mustapha after he was transferred from the prison in Inzegan, to the local prison in Ait Melloul. The aim was to deprive him from the right to write, to publish his opinions and short stories on the pages of UPES website or in the Moroccan newspapers. The case of Mustapha Abd Daiem is getting more and more known to international organization especially Amnesty International (North Africa) and Amnesty International US. The international organization issued a press release about his unfair trial and the US branch is publishing an action on its page about Mustapha. On another level, a campaign of letters was launched in solidarity with UPES in its endeavor to support Mustapha. The first to express support were Japanese journalist supporting Western Sahara, followed by the Uk Western Sahara Campaign, and Australia Western Sahara Association. These campaign of letters is the first step in a bigger campaign that will develop in a second step to be a campaign of letters to Foreign Affairs Ministries in all countries that can exercise pressures on Morocco on the subject. “The campaign, UPES Secretary General, Malainin Lakhal said, will take other steps in the future, and adopt additional ways to put more pressures on the Moroccan colonial authorities, until Rabat knows that it is no use to arrest Saharawi human rights activists, writers or normal citizens, and that the only good option is to release the political prisoners and enable the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination and independence”. |
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