sábado, 22 de novembro de 2008
A concessão do Estatuto Avançado a Marrocos deve excluir o Sara Ocidental
Nós, os signatários desta petição, instamos a União Europeia (U.E.) a não conceder o chamado Estatuto Avançado a Marrocos, a menos que a parte ocupada do Sara Ocidental seja especificamente excluída do acordo.
A U.E. e Marrocos estão actualmente em conversações no sentido de aprofundarem os seus laços através desta cooperação mas, até agora, não tem havido qualquer menção nos relatórios das conversações sobre o que tenha sido feito para impedir que o Sara Ocidental ocupado esteja incluído no acordo de cooperação.
Se a U.E. concedesse de facto o Estatuto Avançado ao Sara Ocidental ocupado, através das suas negociações com a potência ocupante, iria dar um lamentável sinal de apoio às reivindicações infundadas de Marrocos sobre o território. Como consequência, a U.E. poderia prejudicar os esforços da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) para a descolonização do território.
Queremos salientar que Marrocos continua a ocupar ilegalmente o Sara Ocidental, violando mais de 100 resoluções da ONU, que declaram que o povo Sarauí tem direito à autodeterminação. Várias resoluções apontam para o facto de o Sara Ocidental ser um território ocupado e anexado. Além disso, o Tribunal Internacional de Justiça rejeitou as reivindicações de Marrocos sobre o Sara Ocidental e a ONU considera o problema do Sara Ocidental como uma questão de descolonização.
Por força do direito internacional consuetudinário, a U.E. e os seus Estados membros têm o dever de não reconhecer a anexação ilegal do Sara Ocidental por Marrocos e de apoiar a descolonização do território. É também uma obrigação moral, uma vez que o povo sarauí sofre, quer no exílio, quer sob a grave violação dos direitos humanos cometida pelas forças marroquinas nos territórios ocupados do Sara Ocidental.
A U.E. deve, por isso, certificar-se de forma inequívoca que o Sara Ocidental fique excluído da aplicabilidade territorial do Estatuto Avançado, sem delegar essa responsabilidade a Marrocos.
Se a U.E. fizer tal precisão estará a seguir o exemplo dos Estados Unidos da America, que excluíram especificamente o Sara Ocidental do seu acordo de comércio-livre com Marrocos. Estará também a seguir o seu próprio exemplo, uma vez que excluiu os territórios palestinos do Acordo de Associação U.E.-Israel. Instamos a U.E. a observar estes precedentes e a apoiar o processo de paz da ONU, cumprindo o seu dever de não-reconhecimento.
Nós, os signatários desta petição, não somos, em princípio, contra uma cooperação mais intensa entre a U.E. e Marrocos. No entanto, exigimos que o acordo que saia das conversações sobre o Estatuto Avançado especifique claramente que a sua aplicabilidade não se estenderá para sul da fronteira meridional internacionalmente reconhecida de Marrocos, ou seja, o paralelo 27 ° 40' N.
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para mais informações sobre este assunto e poderão aceder directamente através deste link http://www.wsrw.org/index.php?cat=132&art=920
à lista de signatários da petição até este momento.
Swedish MPs demands stopping EU agreement with Morocco
Several Swedish parliamentarians from one of the parties in the Swedish government, have motioned that the Swedish Government should work to prevent the EU from signing any new agreements or agreements of advanced status with Morocco "as long as the country occupies Western Sahara".
In their motion 2008/09: U276 to Parliament, Mrs Agneta Berliner and her fellow liberal parliamentarians state that "Morocco is an occupying power. Since 1975 the country is occupying its neighbour Western Sahara and is conducting assaults on the Sahrawi people".
The Folkpartiet (fp) is part of the Swedish coalition government, and has for several years urged for the Sahrawi people's right to self-determinatino. The current Swedish minister for EU affairs, Mrs. Cecilia Malmström, is of the same party. She has earlier demanded that the government should recognize the Sahrawi Arabic Democratic Republic.
The 4 parliamentarians conclude that "it is an occupation that violates the principle of sovereignty and which has been condemned by the UN. According to a UN resolution a referendum should have taken place in 1992 in which the Saharawi people would take a stand on their country's future, but Morocco has still not allowed the vote to take place. Negotiations to obtain a change has basically stood still since 2004."
Despite this, the EU has over the years included, inter alia, association agreement with Morocco, which has benefited the country's economy which is dependent on the European market. Morocco's current
objective in its relations with the EU is to become an "advanced partner", which would further deepen cooperation between the Union and the kingdom both financially and security wise.
Reactions from the EU has notably come from Commissioner Benita Fererro-Waldner and French President Nicolas Sarkozy who have predicted that the proposed status to become a reality.
"If the EU accepts such a status on cooperation, we would further legitimize and finance the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara. The current partnership agreement has apparently not made Morocco prepared to comply with international law. However, the EU has a key role to play to safeguard the right of the Sahrawi people to decide themselves about their future in accordance with international law. The EU should therefore condition any further agreements with Morocco so that the
occupation of Western Sahara ends", they write.
Mosaic investigating its phosphate shipments from Western Sahara
The US fertilizer producer will make a decision on continued imports from the occupied territories in 2009.
The letter below is a response to letter sent by the Florida section of Western Sahara Resource Watch to Mosaic Co., on 7th of October 2008.
See the below letter in pdf here.
James T. Prokopanko
Chief Executive Officer
3033 Campus Drive, Suite E490
Plymouth, MN 55441
P.O.Box 5790, MS 190
Minneapolic, MN 55440-5790
November 19, 2008
Mr. David Urnes Johnson
Western Sahara Resource Watch
Dear Mr. Johnson:
Thank you for the letter you sent in October expressing concern regarding Mosaic's shipment of phosphate rock from the Moroccco and Western Sahara regions. I appreciate your outlining the concerns of the Florida section of the Western Sahara Resource Watch.
I want to assure you that we are currently investigating this issue. While we believe our shipments of phosphate rock are in full compliance with international law, we recognize the issues you raise. We are assessing our current production needs and will determine in 2009 whether we purchase any additional rock from the Western Sahara region.
Thank you again for expressing your concerns.
James T. Prokopanko
President and Chief Executive Officer.
La société espagnole Calvo décide de fermer ses installations de conserves au Sahara occidental
Chahid El Hafed,Le directeur général de l’entreprise espagnole,Calvo, Javier Lacoz a déclaré que son entreprise ne renouvellera pas les contrats d'approvisionnement depuis le port d'El Aaiun (Sahara occidental) pour l’année 2009, à l’issue de la présentation d’une nouvelle production, a indiqué, le journal espagnol, El Correo Gallego.es
L’entreprise Calvo est l’une des entreprises des conserves les plus importantes de l'Espagne et le cinquième producteur du monde, a commencé ses activités de production de conserve à la capitale occupée du Sahara occidental, El Aaiun en 2005.
En mai dernier Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW) avait mené une campagne exigeant la cessation immédiate des activités de Calvo dans les territoires occupés du Sahara Occidental. WSRW avait contacté le directeur du personnel de l’entreprise espagnole, Emilio Marcos qui lui a réaffirmé que Calvo a fermé ses installations au Sahara occidental et qu’elle concédera les droits d’exploitations aux autres entreprises, rappelle-t-on.
BASF refuses to disclose "expert opinion"
In October, the Belgian branch of Western Sahara Resource Watch discovered the illegal imports of Western Saharan phosphates by a Belgian subsidiary of German chemical company BASF.
WSRW, together with German former MEP, Mrs. Margot Kessler, urged BASF on 22nd of October to clarify their role. In their reply to our letter raising the illegality and controversy of such trade, BASF stated that this was an isolated import that would not be repeated again.
They however believed that the operations of their Moroccan business partner, the OCP, are beneficial to the local population of occupied Western Sahara, and are, strangely enough, in line with international law. This conclusion was based on what they refered to as an “expert opinion”.
Since BASF had not responded to any of the questions asked by WSRW, on 6 November 2008 a new letter was sent to BASF, where same questions were repeated. Simultaneously, WSRW demanded a copy of the so-called “expert-opinion”.
If anything, Western Sahara Resource Watch believes that the Moroccan economic activities in the occupied territories of Western Sahara have lead to the systematic marginalisation of the Sahrawi from the phosphate industry, as is clearly demonstrated by the France Libertés report of 2003. Read letter from WSRW to BASF below.
As to the remark of the legality of OCP’s operations, WSRW referred to the numerous UN resolutions and UN practice treating Western Sahara as a non-autonomous territory. The letter concludes that “given this status, any economic activity undertaken by an occupying power in disrespect of the wishes and interests of the local population, would consist in an infringement of international law. Since all evidence points to the fact that OCP’s operations in the area are neither according to the local population’s interests nor their wishes, we do not see how one can argue the consistency of OCP’s activities with international law."
Today WSRW received a reply from Mrs. Anne Forst of BASF, saying that “unfortunately, we [BASF] cannot provide you with a copy of the expert opinion we received from the OCP”. In stead, they called upon WSRW to contact the US based law firm Covington & Burling for further information.
Mail from Anne Forst, BASF, to international coordinator of WSRW, Cate Lewis
19 November 2008
Dear Ms. Lewis,
Thank you for providing us with the report by France Libertés/Foundation Danielle Mitterand. Please understand that due to competitive reasons we cannot answer your questions in great detail. BASF uses phosphate as a raw material for the production of fertilizers. The phosphate originated from Western Sahara received by OCP was an isolated replacement delivery from this territory.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with a copy of the expert opinion we received from OCP. However, the contact person for additional information on OCP’s operations in the Western Sahara is Mr. Derek Ludwin, Covington & Burling LLP, Washington D.C.20004. E-Mail: dludwin@cov.com.
Kind Regards,
Anne Forst
Sustainability Center
Letter from Mr. Margot Keßler to Mrs. Anne Forst, BASF
6 November 2008
For the attention of Mrs. Anne Forst, Sustainability Center, BASF
Dear Mrs. Forst,
Thank you very much for your quick reply, dated 30 October 2008, to our letter soliciting a clarification regarding the BASF imports from the Bu Craa mines, occupied Western Sahara.
It shows that BASF treats this matter seriously, which is much appreciated. We’re also pleased to take note that the company does not expect to import from the occupied territories again. We understand from your letter that BASF will not use this illegal source in the future.
However, we would like to reiterate some of our questions, which we feel have yet to be answered.
• Are our sources correct in stating that the received volume was 25.000 tons?
• We understand from your letter that the Bu Craa import was an isolated case. Could you then confirm that this was the only time BASF has imported from the aforementioned mines during the last 5 years? If not, could you please specify previous imports by volume and date of receipt?
• In which plant is BASF processing the phosphates?
• And is the final product destined exclusively for Belgian markets? If not, which other markets?
We would like to stress again that it is not our intention to be a nuisance to BASF. Rather, we feel clarity is the best policy in controversial issues, such as importing from an illegally occupied territory.
In your letter, you refer to an expert opinion that would demonstrate the benefits of OCP’s operations in the occupied territories of Western Sahara. Could you be so kind as to provide us with a copy of this document?
The conclusions of the opinion you refer to seems to be in stark contrast with our sources such as the report of the France Libertés/Danielle Mitterrand Foundation, based on extensive field work which clearly demonstrates that Moroccan economic activities in the occupied area of Western Sahara are in no respect beneficial to the local population. Quite the opposite, since Saharawis have been systematically marginalised from the phosphate industry. The France Libertés mission met with 200 former Saharawi workers from the mines. All of them claimed having suffered various violations of their socio-economic rights. Regarding those who still work in the company, the report states that “[n]ot only have the Saharawi workers benefited very little if not at all, of any promotion, but they have mainly been subject to downgrading measures in the scale of the jobs they held, without any prior information, nor any reason.” We enclose a copy of the report, for your ease of reference.
Finally, we’d like to point to the numerous UN Resolutions and longstanding UN practice treating Western Sahara as a non-autonomous territory. Given this status, any economic activity undertaken by an occupying power in disrespect of the wishes and interests of the local population, would consist in an infringement of international law. Since all evidence points to the fact that OCP’s operations in the area are neither according to the local population’s interests nor their wishes, we do not see how one can argue the consistency of OCP’s activities with international law.
We also take the opportunity to send you a book in the mail, “International Law and the Question of Western Sahara”, published by the International Platform of Jurists for East Timor in 2007.
Looking forward to your reply,
Margot Keßler
Former Euro-Parliamentarian
Cate Lewis
International Coordinator
Western Sahara Resource Watch
A reply can be sent to Cate Lewis at lewis.cate@gmail.com or (+61) 407 288 358.
- France Libertés/Danielle Mitterrand Foundation Report of the International Mission of
Inquiry in Western Sahara, November 20
La deuxième édition du festival Artifariti s’ouvrira samedi prochain à Tifariti lébérée
Chahid El Hafed,L’organisation Artifariti a annoncé dans un communiqué cité par l’union des journalistes et écrivains sahraouis, qu’elle ouvrira les travaux de sa deuxième édition, samedi prochain à Tifariti, dans les territoires libérés de la RASD, en présences d’artistes internationaux et sahraouis.
Le festival organisé à l’initiative de l’organisation des amis du peuple sahraoui à la ville espagnole de Séville en collaboration avec le ministère sahraoui de la culture, qui ouvrira ses travaux du 22 novembre au 06 décembre prochain, "permettra aux artistes internationaux d’exprimer à travers l’art, leur soutien et leur solidarité avec le peuple sahraoui pour son droit à l’autodétermination et à l’indépendance", a ajouté la même source.
Selon la même source cette année est attendue une grande participation des artistes, d’Algérie, d’Espagne du Mexique, du Pérou, qui travailleront sur des projets artistiques dans la localité de Tifariti libérée.
Parmi les participants, la source cite notamment, la lauréate du prix national des arts (Espagne), Iva Lutz et Federico Gusman, ainsi que des peintres et des organisations espagnoles activant dans les domaines de l’art et la littérature.
Des ateliers artistique au profit des artistes sahraouis supervisé par plusieurs participants au premier festival, a indiqué la même source.
M. Elhaj Ahmed salue la position du Mexique en faveur de l’autodétermination du peuple sahraoui
Mexico, Le ministre délégué auprès du MAE, chargé de l’Amérique latine, Elhaj Ahmed a salué la position constante du gouvernement et du peuple mexicains, soutenant la juste cause du peuple sahraoui, à l’issue d’une conférence de presse qu’il a animé au siège du Sénat des Etats unis du Mexique, a rapporté une source de l’ambassade sahraouie à Mexico.
Le diplomate sahraoui, qui s’exprimait à l’occasion du 30ème anniversaire de l’établissement des relations entre le Mexique et la RASD, a souligné la volonté du gouvernement sahraoui de consolider les liens d’amitié et de fraternité existants entre les deux pays et peuples frères.
Ont pris part à cette cérémonie des membres du sénat mexicain, des représentant du ministère des AE, des ambassadeurs accrédités au Mexique, ainsi que la secrétaire générale de l’Union nationale des femmes sahraouies (UNFS), fatma Elmehdi et l’ambassadeur sahraoui au Mexique, Ahmed Moulaye Ali.
La RASD participe à la 44ème session de la Commission africaine des droits de l’Homme et des peuples
Abuja (Nigéria), Une délégation sahraouie composée, Abba Salek Elhaissen et Lehbib Ali Salem, respectivement : membre du Conseil législatif et premier secrétaire de l’ambassade sahraouie au Nigéria, a pris part aux travaux de la 44ème session de la Commission africaine des droits de l’Homme et des peuples, qui se tient du 10au 23 novembre courant.
La délégation sahraouie a évoqué la situation des droits de l’Hommes dans les territoires occupés du Sahara occidental, où les droits des Sahraouis sont violés quotidiennement par le Maroc, ainsi que le pillage illicite des ressources naturelles sahraouies de la part des l’autorité coloniale marocaines et certains pays étrangers.
"Cela ne peut se traduire que comme un encouragement à l’occupant marocain", a ajouté M. Abba, appelant l’Union africaine à "assumer ses responsabilités dans la protection des civils sahraouis sans défense de la répression sauvage des forces marocaines".
Il a également regretté que le Maroc, soutenu par quelques puissances, tente de contourner les droits inaliénables du peuple sahraoui à l’autodétermination et à l’indépendance, rappelant que la commission de décolonisation de l’ONU avait adopté récemment une résolution réaffirmant de nouveau le droit du peuple sahraoui à l’autodétermination.
La délégation a eu en marge de cette session, plusieurs rencontres avec les délégations des Etats et organisations participantes, qui les a informé des efforts de la RASD dans la promotion des droits de l’Homme, des derniers développements de la question du Sahara occidental et de la situation des droits humains dans les territoires occupés du Sahara occidental et au sud du Maroc.
L’Envoyé spécial du Chef de l’Etat reçu par le président angolais
Luanda, Le ministre des AE, Mohamed Salem Ould Salek a été reçu par le président de la République d’Angola, Eduardo Dos Santos, qui lui a remis une lettre du président, Mohamed Abdelaziz.
Les entretiens ont eu trait, aux développements de la question du Sahara occidental, aux relations bilatérales et les moyens de les renforcer au profit des deux peuples et à d’autres questions d’intérêts communs, a précisé une source proche de l’ambassade sahraouie en Angola.
L’Envoyé spécial du président de la République a transmis les remerciements et la gratitude du gouvernement de la RASD au président angolais, Eduardos Dos Santos, pour la position constante de soutien de son pays au droit du peuple sahraoui à l’autodétermination.
Pour sa part, M. Eduardo Dos Santos a réitéré la position de l’Angola à la RASD, appelant à la décolonisation du Sahara occidental.
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Mohamed Salem Ould Salek est arrivé mercredi à la capitale de l’Angola, Luanda, dans le cadre d’une visite de travail de quelques jours, rappelle-t-on.
Un parti espagnol dénonce le refus de l’ambassade marocaine de lui recevoir une lettre adressée à l’ambassadeur
Madrid, Le dirigeant du parti espagnol, Union, progrès et démocratie (UPD), Fernando Mauro a dénoncé le refus des fonctionnaires de l’ambassade marocaine de recevoir une lettre adressé par l’UPD à l’ambassade du Maroc.
La lettre porte la signature de 8500 adhérents au parti et 300.000 des voix exprimées au cours des dernières élections, a précisé la même source.
Pour sa part, la présidente du parti, également député au parlement espagnole, Ronadez Conzalez a appelé "l’Espagne en tant qu’ancienne puissance coloniale, à la décolonisation du Sahara occidental", exigeant du Maroc à "revenir à la légalité internationale en permettant l’organisation d’un référendum sur la base du recensement de l’ex administration espagnole".
"Le refus catégorique du Maroc d’appliquer les résolutions onusiennes et l’avis juridique de la Cour internationale de justice de 1975 qui réaffirment le droit du peuple sahraoui à l’autodétermination, ne peut que cautionner le retour aux armes et envenimer les relations du Maroc avec les pays voisins", a averti, Mme Conzalez.
"L’Espagne est appelée à reconnaître la RASD si celle-ci remportera les résultats du référendum d’autodétermination du peuple sahraoui", a précisé le parti espagnol.
"Les Sahraouis doivent exercer leur droit à l’autodétermination et jouir de leur droits civiques et politiques", a ajouté la responsable espagnole.
''La RASD est reconnue par l’UA et par plus 75 pays comme Etat légitime des Sahraouis'', affirme le congressman, Joe Pitts
Washington,Le congressman, Joe Pitts américain a affirmé que "la République arabe sahraouie démocratique (RASD) reconnue par l’organisation de l’Union africaine (UA) et par plus de 75 pays, représente l’Etat légitime des Sahraouis", dans un éditorial publié par le journal américain, For peace, sous le titre : "la voix des sans voix".
M. Pitts a rappelé que le Sahara occidental était jusqu’à 1975 une colonie espagnole, ajoutant que "l’espoir des Sahraouis à l’indépendance a augmenté depuis l’invasion du territoire par le Maroc après le retrait de l’Espagne".
A cet égard le congressman américain a relevé que la cour internationale de justice (CIJ) de l’ONU avait réaffirmé en 1975 que les revendications du Maroc pour le Sahara occidental n’ont pas de fondement juridiques et depuis lors les Sahraouis luttent pour la libération.
Le référendum d’autodétermination n’a pas pu être organisé en raison des tergiversations du Maroc, a constaté M. Pitts, ajoutant qu’en dépit des dures conditions de l’exil, "les autorités sahraouies ont préféré maintenir que le retour aux hostilités pour la libération de leur patrie".
D’autre part, le congressman américain, a indiqué que l’activiste sahraouie des droits humains, Aminetou Haidar s’est sacrifiée pour la défense de l’injustice et des violations flagrantes des droits de l’Homme commises par le Maroc contre le peuple sahraoui et dont elle a vécue à l’âge de 21 ans.
Arrêtée la première fois en 1987 pour avoir participé à une manifestation pacifique contre l’occupation du Sahara Occidental, appelant à l’autodétermination du peuple sahraoui à laquelle ont participé 700 protestataires dont 17 femmes et 70 Sahraouis portés disparus. Elle sera soumise aux atroces formes de torture.
Après sa libération en 1991, elle a continué sa lutte contre les violations des droits humains dans les territoires occupés du Sahara occidental puis a été de nouveau arrêtée à plusieurs reprises pour ses activités pacifiques de défense des droits humains.
En 2006, Aminetou Haidar a mené une campagne de sensibilisation internationale autour des violations des droits humains commises par les autorités marocaines au Sahara occidental.
Moroccan court of appeal postpones the trial of Saharawi journalist to Nov 27
The Saharawi journalist and short stories writer was informed of the date of his trial the day before the session, what pushed his lawyers to express rejection of this decision and ask for the postponement to have time to study the case.
Mustapha Abd Daiem, also member of the Saharawi Journalists’ and Writers’ Union entered the Moroccan court raising his hand with the sign of victory and chanting slogans in favour of the independence of Western Sahara.
On the other hand, this time in the occupied city of Dakhla, the sister of Mustapha, Ms. Khadija, was in her turn presented Wednesday to the Moroccan colonial court for a false accusation.
The sister of the Saharawi activist, was attacked by a Moroccan collaborator with the police, he insulted her. But instead of been arrested the Moroccan police arrested her and accused her of attack against the collaborator.
It should be recalled that the Saharawi journalist was sentenced three years imprisonment, 50.000 Moroccan dh fine (more than 5000 US $) and 10 years ban from working in public services, knowing that the victim is a school attendant.
South African COSATU protests Western Sahara inclusion in EU-Morocco deal
COSATU General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi today personally wrote to the Brussels union, "demanding" that Morocco’s "advanced status" within the EU "must exclude Western Sahara." The advanced status to be granted Morocco will increase free trade but also political and cultural cooperation.
So far, the EU has indicated that the occupied territory of Western Sahara will be included in the deal, contrasting its agreement with Israel, where occupied Palestine is excluded, and contrasting the US-Moroccan free trade agreement, which excludes Western Sahara. In the current EU-Moroccan fisheries agreement, Western Saharan seas were included, despite strong protests, giving EU trawlers access to these waters in return for payment to the Rabat government.
COSATU, representing about two million workers in South Africa, is the last among many prominent organisations now joining the global petition demanding that "occupied Western Sahara is specifically excluded from the agreement." COSATU leader Vavi says that if the EU were to include Western Sahara, "through its negotiations with Morocco as the occupying power, it would give an unfortunate sign of support to the unfounded Moroccan claims over the territory. It could also lead to the EU damaging the UN’s efforts to decolonise the territory."
The South African labour leader holds that the EU could be breaking international law. "Under International Customary Law, the EU and its member states have a duty of non-recognition of the Moroccan annexation of Western Sahara, and to support the decolonisation of the territory," Mr Vavi says.
COSATU is not the first trade union to join the petition. Also, two of Spain’s largest unions, Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) and Unión Sindical Obrera (USO), in addition to unions in Norway and Sweden have joined the fight. Even political parties in Europe, mostly liberal and socialist parties in Scandinavia, have signed the petition.
But for the organisers, the global network Western Sahara Resource Watch (WSRW), the support from outside the EU is of particular encouragement. Ronny Hansen, representing the Norwegian partners behind WSRW, told afrol News that "the support from COSATU and other prominent organisations worldwide is a clear recognition that the petition is a matter of global solidarity, and just an internal EU affair."
"We hope COSATU’s support for this petition will inspire organisations and governments in other parts of Africa to join our ranks and express clearer support for the rights of the Sahrawis," Mr Hansen says. "After all, Western Sahara is the only African Union member currently under foreign occupation," he concludes.
International Socialist Women’s conference hails the affiliation of the Saharawi women to the organisation
"The presence of the Saharawi women in this organisation will have an important role in the defence of the objectives for which the International socialist is struggling", the SG of the organisation, Marlyn Hass, said.
On her side, the SG of the Saharawi Women’s Union (UNFS), Fatma Elmehdi gave a presentation on the struggle of the Saharawi women in the Saharawi refugee camps, especially on the light of the international crisis of food. She added that Morocco persists in its illegal occupation of Western Sahara and systematic plundering of its natural resources".
Mrs. Elmehdi also mentioned the human rights situation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, denounced the Moroccan military wall sealed by millions of anti-personal landmines and which is dividing Western Sahara and its people in two.
She also paid tribute to the Saharawi human rights activist and ex-prisoner of conscience, Aminetou Haidar, who recently won the Robert Kennedy Award of Human Rights. She considered that "this is a recognition of the chief role played by the Saharawi women in the different domains in the occupied zones of Western Sahara, in the south of Morocco, in the Diaspora and in the Saharawi refugee camps, to get the independence".
After the conference, the SG of the UNFS met with the SG of the Mexican Revolutionary Party, Béatriz Baridez, who affirmed her party-s support to the Saharawi people-s right to freedom and independence.
The Saharawi delegation also met with representatives of Mexico, Angola, Brazil, Afghanistan, Norway, Ukraine, Equatorial Guinea, it should be recalled.
A delegation of POLISARIO Front participates in the Congress of the French Socialist Party
The secretary of International Relations of PS welcomed the presence of the foreign delegations including POLISARIO Front’s, a source close to the Saharawi delegation pointed out.
The Saharawi delegation had talks with the party officials responsible for Maghreb and African affairs as well as many delegations including those of Mauritius, Sweden, Angola, German SPD, Norway, Central Africa Rep, Chad, Lithuania, Cameroon, Italy, Mali and Nicaragua.
The congress has completed its work Sunday without being able to elect a new National Secretary. The election was left to a voting process for next Thursday, the same source added.