sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2009
O Conselho Português para a Paz e Cooperação condena as recentes agressões e a actuação das forças policiais marroquinas no quadro da visita de uma delegação do Parlamento Europeu à cidade ocupada de El Aaiun, sobre os cidadãos saharauis e seus representantes.
As forças de ocupação marroquinas procederam ao encerramento das principais ruas que conduzem à cidade de El Aaiun (Sahara Ocidental) na véspera da chegada da missão ad hoc do Parlamento Europeu ao Sahara Ocidental. El Aaiun esteve sob um férreo controlo policial durante todo o dia de ontem, com o evidente propósito de impedir todas as manifestações que reclamem o direito à autodeterminação do povo Saharaui".
A Associação de Vitimas de Graves Violações de Direitos Humanos (ASVDH) denunciou a detenção na semana passada de El Hafed Toubali, destacado activista saharaui dos Direitos Humanos, tendo sido interrogado sobre as manifestações previstas durante a visita da missão ad hoc da EU.
Na terça-feira, dia 27 de Janeiro, a policia marroquina agrediu brutalmente três representantes do Comité Contra a Tortura de Dajla quando estes se iam reunir com a delegação do PE, composta por Hamia Ahmed Musa y Rachid Sghyar.Foram torturados em plena rua e depois levados num veiculo policial enquanto que Ulad Chej Mahyhub conseguiu alcançar o Hotel com graves feridas nas pernas.
Foram ainda detidos e interrogados Amminatou Haidar (nomeada em 2008 para o prémio Nobel da Paz) e Ali Salem Tamek, membros do Colectivo Saharaui de Defensores dos Direitos do Homem após reunião que mantiveram com a delegação.
Conselho Português para a Paz e Cooperação

(CC.OO.S )
Continuando la visita de la delegación Adhoc del parlamento europeo a la ciudad de El Aaiún, el Martes 27 de enero del 2009 , las autoridades marroquíes han aislado por completo a dicha delegación y desplegado un cinturón policial en todos los accesos al hotel dónde se hospedaban, "El Parador".
Los sindicalistas saharauis: EDDIA SIDI AHMED MOUSSA , HALLAB BACHIR KHALIL y HOSSEIN SAIDI fueron agredidos al intentar acceder al lugar dónde se encontraba la delegación con el fin de tratar los expedientes de los trabajadores saharauis de las administraciones españolas y de la mina de Phosboucraa, y plantear sus problemas relativos a la delegación europea .
A este efecto, el CC.OO.S. declara a la opinión pública nacional e internacional:
- Ponemos bajo reserva el método, el lugar y el programa de la visita.
- Asumida la responsabilidad y las consecuencias de este impedimento de las autoridades marroquíes.
- El fin inmediato del embargo ejercido sobre los sindicalistas saharauis.
- Solicitar a los sindicatos y organizaciones internacionales la intervención a fin de proteger los sindicatos saharauis.
El Aaiún , 27 de enero 2009
Seis webs de un movimiento islamista marroquí han sido bloqueadas

Seis sitios web del movimiento islamista Al Adl Ual Ihsan (Justicia y Caridad) permanecen bloqueados desde el 17 de enero para los internautas en Marruecos, según denunció la organización Reporteros Sin Fronteras (RSF).
Según la ONG, los operadores de telecomunicaciones Maroc Télécom, Méditel y Wana impidieron el acceso a estas páginas web desde el interior de Marruecos, aunque todavía se puede acceder a ellos a través de herramientas de navegación "anónimas" como, que enmascaran el número individual de identificación del ordenador.
, informa RSF en un comunicado.
Para Omar Amkasu, jefe de prensa de Justicia y Caridad, con este bloqueo, el poder marroquí "refuerza la convicción" que tiene este movimiento según la cual, Marruecos "vive una verdadera degradación, especialmente en cuanto a las libertades públicas".
Para Mohamed Darif, politólogo y especialista en movimientos islamistas, esta prohibición no se debe a un problema técnico, sino a "un intento de las autoridades de privar a la Yamaa de sus medios de movilización, ya que ha logrado organizar numerosas sentadas y manifestaciones con gran seguimiento desde que comenzó la ofensiva israelí sobre Gaza".
La lutte du peuple sahraoui pour son droit à la liberté, est celle de l’Afrique toute entière¨ affirme le Secrétaire chargé de l’Afrique au MAE Nigéri

Abuja, Le Secrétaire chargé de l’Afrique au Ministère des Affaires Etrangères de la République Fédérale du Nigéria, Amb. Alex Anigbo a affirmé mercredi que "la lutte menée par le peuple sahraoui pour son droit inaliénable à l’autodétermination et la liberté, est celle de l’Afrique toute entière.
M. Anigbo qui recevait au siège du Ministère des affaire étrangères à Abuja l’ambassadeur sahraoui M. Oubi Bouchraya Bachir a ajoute qu'il s'agit là ´´d’un processus de décolonisation de la dernière colonie du continent, paralysé depuis trios décennies par l’occupation marocaine´..
Il a rappelé le soutien indéfectible de son pays au droit inaliénable du peuple Sahraoui à l’autodétermination à travers un référendum libre, régulier et transparent sous l’égide des Nations Unies, exprimant sa "préoccupation face aux plusieurs rapports internationaux sur la répression et les violations des droits de l'homme commises au Sahara Occidental par le Maroc", a précisé la même source.
Pour sa part, l’ambassadeur sahraoui a exprimé au nom du Gouvernement de la RASD ´´la gratitude au Nigéria pour le rôle constructif qu'il joue en faveur du peuple sahraoui et pour la résolution du conflit au Sahara occidental sur la base du respect de la légalité international´´ et réitéré ´´la volonté du Gouvernement sahraoui à consolider les relations bilatérales avec Abuja´´, a-t-il martelé.
9 Saharawi human rights org call on the EU to insure the exercise of self-determination in Western Sahara
Nine Saharawi human rights organisations and committees called in the European Union to insure that the Saharawi people can exercise their right to self-determination, as a basic human right. The nine organisations sent a letter to the members of the European Parliament’s ad-hoc delegation that visited the occupied capital of Western Sahara, El Aaiun, last Tuesday 27 January. Members of the nine organisations, it should be recalled, were intimidated, harassed or even arrested by the Moroccan police, which was sealing the residence where the European delegation was seating, before they finally could meet with the European parliamentarians. Here is the complete text of the letter ---------------- 27 January 2009 Saharawi human rights organisations and committees Western Sahara Letter for the distinguished members of the mission of the European Parliament visit to Morocco and Western Sahara The Sahrawi associations active in the field of human rights are honoured to send you this letter, through which they wish to express, first of all, welcome and to express the immense joy to take part in this meeting that we have long awaited. Also, we take this opportunity to share with you our deep concern at the continuing violations of human rights in Western Sahara, with very serious abuses against the Sahrawi civilians in general and the Sahrawi human rights defenders in particular. This is, of course, the result of a political and military conflict that has lasted more than three decades during which it contributed to the climate of frustration that has further increased the suffering of a population which is the victim of all forms of discrimination and humiliations and that is deprived of its right to respect and human dignity. The Sahrawi associations are aware of the importance of the European Union and its institutions as a force of stability and cooperation in the world that can help reduce all forms of injustice and spread an atmosphere of peace and security beyond its borders. To this end, we urge the European Parliament and, through it the European Union, to play a central role in the solution of the conflict in Western Sahara, in conformity with international law and multiple UN resolutions that call for respect for the inalienable right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination through the holding of a free and democratic referendum allowing the people to freely choose their future. A lasting solution to the conflict in Western Sahara, based on international law will undoubtedly contribute to paving the way to building a Maghreb that rejects exclusion and denial of rights and which is united, reconciled, stable and prosperous. Europe, which maintains close ties with Morocco, should put pressure on it to comply with international law by accepting the holding of a referendum of self-determination of the Sahrawi people as soon as possible. Since the issue of resources is a particular aspect of the very important but more general problem of the right of peoples to self-determination and to decide their wealth, we believe that the fisheries agreement signed between Europe and Morocco, including the territorial waters of Western Sahara was contrary to international law in that it does not recognize the legal status of Western Sahara. The legal opinion of the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs of the United Nations, in his letter of 29 January 2002 addressed to the President of the Security Council, has rightly highlighted the non-self-governing status of the territory of Western Sahara, which remains since 1963 on the list UN Non-Self-Governing Territories. If we look at all the UN resolutions and Article 73 of the Charter of the United Nations, we can easily see that it has developed rules governing the preservation of natural resources in non-self-governing territories, rules that must also be respected in Western Sahara. Also, it is worth noting that the fishing accord between Morocco and the European Union contains a paragraph on arrangements to bring benefits to the Saharawi population with the aim, obviously, to give some sort of legitimacy to that Agreement! This population has not received any benefit when there is no mechanism to implement it or guarantee its implementation. We undersigned Sahrawi associations, active in the field of human rights, hope that the mission of the European Parliament paves the way to a new era, which hopefully will be marked by continued strong links and contacts, and a productive partnership between the EU and the Sahrawi associations active in the field of human rights, but we also hope that Europe will contributes to the solution of the conflict in Western Sahara on the basis of a free and democratic referendum enabling its people to freely choose their destiny. The Sahrawi associations signatories: - Sahrawi Association of Victims of Grave Human Rights Violations Committed by the Moroccan State (ASVDH) - Defence Committee for the Right of Self-Determination of the People of Western Sahara (CODAPSO) - The Sahrawi Prisoners Defence Alliance - The Saharawi Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in Smara / Western Sahara - The Defense Committee for the Settlement Plan and Natural Resources in Western Sahara - The Committee of Families of Disappeared Sahrawis - The Committee of the Families and Mothers of the Abducted 15 Youths - The Committee Against Torture in Dakhla / Sahara Occidental - The Committee of the Families of the Matyres El Aaiun, on 27 January 2009
Mustapha Abd Daiem put under tight surveillance and deprived of his rights as prisoner of conscience
The sister of the Saharawi human rights defender, journalist and short-stories’ writer, Mustapha Abd Daiem, informed UPES that her brother is put under tight surveillance and deprived from his basic rights as prisoner of conscience in the Moroccan local prison in Ait Melloul. The Saharawi journalist, member of UPES, is serving a 3 years imprisonment sentence because of his political opinions and opposition to the Moroccan illegal occupation of Western Sahara. Mrs. Khadija Abd Daiem, the prisoner’s sister, informed UPES that Mustapha’s health is deteriorating. The prisoner is suffering severe head-aches, toothaches and problems in his back “because the penitentiary administration didn’t give him a bed like other prisoners. He has to sleep on the bare ground in this cold winter”. On the other hand, she adds, “he is only allowed to see the members of the family, and only for 15 minutes, though we have to travel all the way from Assa city to Ait Melloul, while his friends and comrades are not allowed to visit him”. With regards to the contact with the outside world, the administration put the prisoner under a real siege. He has no access to newspapers or magazines. It should be recalled that the Moroccan forces of occupation adopted these measures against Mustapha after he was transferred from the prison in Inzegan, to the local prison in Ait Melloul. The aim was to deprive him from the right to write, to publish his opinions and short stories on the pages of UPES website or in the Moroccan newspapers. The case of Mustapha Abd Daiem is getting more and more known to international organization especially Amnesty International (North Africa) and Amnesty International US. The international organization issued a press release about his unfair trial and the US branch is publishing an action on its page about Mustapha. On another level, a campaign of letters was launched in solidarity with UPES in its endeavor to support Mustapha. The first to express support were Japanese journalist supporting Western Sahara, followed by the Uk Western Sahara Campaign, and Australia Western Sahara Association. These campaign of letters is the first step in a bigger campaign that will develop in a second step to be a campaign of letters to Foreign Affairs Ministries in all countries that can exercise pressures on Morocco on the subject. “The campaign, UPES Secretary General, Malainin Lakhal said, will take other steps in the future, and adopt additional ways to put more pressures on the Moroccan colonial authorities, until Rabat knows that it is no use to arrest Saharawi human rights activists, writers or normal citizens, and that the only good option is to release the political prisoners and enable the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination and independence”. |
quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009
Repsol says finds 3 new gas fields in Algeria

(Adds spokesman comment, details, Goldman Sachs downgrade, share reaction)
MADRID, Spain's Repsol (REP.MC: Quote) said on Monday it had found three new gas fields in Algeria that could produce 1 million cubic metres a day, but its shares failed to sparkle after Goldman Sachs cut its price target for the firm.
The three discoveries together are equivalent to 1 percent of Spain's gas needs, Repsol said, the most important of which is in the Reggane basin which showed flows of 629,000 cubic metres a day.
"We are optimistic because the flows are very good. They indicate there is great potential there," said Repsol spokesman Christian Rix.
Repsol has a 33.75 percent share in the Reggane bloc (KLS-1), while state-owned producer Sonatrach holds 25 percent, Germany's RWE Dea (RWEG.DE: Quote) 22.5 percent and Italy's Edison 18.75 percent.
Repsol shares were held in check by news that Goldman Sachs was cutting its price target by 2 euros to 21 euros, and fears over the nationalisation of assets in Libya [ID:nLN485321] and Bolivia, which seized control of a BP (BP.L: Quote) controlled producer on Friday [ID:nN23307550].
"If it wasn't for Goldman's downgrade, and the fear of nationalisation of oil assets in countries where Repsol operates like Libya and Bolivia, the company would be surging on the gas strike news," a dealer at a leading Spanish bank said.
Shares in the company were 1.6 percent higher at 13.99 euros by 1145 GMT, in line with the DJ European Oil and Gas index and Spain's blue-chip Ibex-35 index.
Repsol said the new wells confirmed the importance of Reggane in its strategic growth plans. Turning discoveries into producing fields normally takes three to five years.
The same consortium has also discovered a second field at the nearby Ahnet basin, with flows of 249,000 cubic metres a day at 1.28 km below the surface and 110,000 cubic metres at 1.34 km down.
Repsol and its partners have discovered a third field at Gassi Ghergui, with initial data showing flows of 158,000 cubic metres a day. It has a 45 percent share of that consortium, with Spain's Gas Natural owning 30 percent and Sonatrach 25 percent.
Repsol operates all the wells. (Reporting by Jonathan Gleave and Ben Harding, Editing by Peter Blackburn)
Repsol makes gas discoveries in Algeria's Sahara desert

Rapsol, a Spanish oil and gas company has announced three new discoveries in the Reggane, the Ahnet and the Berkine Basins in the Sahara desert in Algeria with a potential of 813 million cubic feet of net reserves.
According to the company’s statement published on its website, the initial testing of the fields showed a preliminary output of 35.3 million cubic feet per day, which the company said it is an indication of a high potential.
Repsol said the Reggane basin is a major driver for future growth and its holdings add up to total net reserves of 145 million barrels reserves.
The region in the western portion of Algeria is one of Repsol's areas of greatest potential growth, as outlined in the company's 2008-2012 strategic plan documents.
The consortium secured exploration rights during the 2002-03 Algerian bidding rounds. During 2005-07, three discoveries were made in Reggane.
The Algerian government in 2002 and 2003 awarded the Spanish company the rights to explore the fields along with its consortium partners, Algeria's state-owned Sonatrach, Germany's RWE DEA and Italy's Edison S.p.A.
Repsol operates the consortium with a 33.75 percent stake and RWE Dea has a 22.5 percent interest. Other partners are Sonatrach with 25 person and Edison SPA with 18.75percent.
"Un agente me empujó y caí al vacío"

Un estudiante saharaui dice que la policía marroquí le tiró desde un cuarto piso
"Nunca subían hasta allí. Por eso, cuando había manifestaciones y nos perseguía la policía, nos escondíamos en la azotea de la residencia de estudiantes. Pero ese día sí subieron. Eran unos 20 ó 30 agentes, no sé. Yo estaba con dos amigos. Nos pegaron. Nos insultaron. A mí me fueron llevando, a golpes, hasta el borde del edificio. 'O te tiras o te tiro, perro saharaui', me dijo un policía. Me empujó y caí". Elwali Elqadmi, de 23 años, recorrió en un segundo el vacío de las cuatro plantas de la residencia de la Universidad de Marrakech. Era el 14 de mayo de 2008. El Gobierno marroquí niega, a través de un portavoz de su embajada en España, que sus fuerzas del orden participasen en este suceso. "Negamos que ningún estudiante haya sido arrojado por agentes de seguridad marroquí desde la azotea de una residencia en la universidad de Marrakech", señalan.
El brutal aterrizaje le fracturó a Elwali sus dos piernas, el brazo izquierdo y le abrió el cráneo, recuerda Labeid, el traductor que le acompaña estos días en Córdoba. Allí, el saharaui está ingresado en el centro de rehabilitación de Fepamic (Federación Provincial de Asociaciones de Minusválidos Físicos de Córdoba). Y es que las peores lesiones las sufrió el joven estudiante de 3º de Sociología en su columna vertebral. Tiene rota la quinta vértebra y una fisura en la sexta. Sus heridas le han dejado en una silla de ruedas. No puede caminar y mueve con dificultad sus brazos.
Elwali es delgado y risueño. Sonríe a pesar del drama que le ha golpeado. "Hay que ser optimista y seguir adelante", dice sin dudarlo. Y cuenta su historia: "Dejé Assa, mi ciudad en Sáhara por dos cosas. Por un lado, sólo podía continuar mis estudios en Marrakech. Por otro, quería llevar a Marruecos la lucha del pueblo saharaui por su libertad", explica. Desde muy pronto, Elwali participó en marchas y actos en defensa de la independencia de la antigua colonia española del Sáhara Occidental. La que llegó a ser considerada una provincia más, fue invadida por Marruecos en 1976, lo que provocó una larga guerra entre los independentistas del Frente Polisario y el ejército del rey Hassan II. Además, cientos de miles de saharauis huyeron a los campos de refugiados de Tinduf, en Argelia. Elwali Elqadmi era un activista saharaui en el corazón de la vigilada sociedad marroquí, custodiada estrechamente por las fuerzas de seguridad. "A mí me conocía la policía. De eso estoy seguro", zanja el joven, que ya había corrido más de una vez delante de los antidisturbios en protestas tanto nacionalistas, como estudiantiles, que exigían mejoras en la enseñanza.
La manifestación de mayo que derivó en la tragedia de Elwali fue de éstas últimas. "Llevábamos unos meses quejándonos por las malas condiciones del campus y de los estudios universitarios en general. Además, poco antes de la manifestación, tres alumnos se intoxicaron por alimentos en mal estado. Ese fue el detonante de la concentración", señala.
La marcha del día 23 discurrió pacíficamente por el recinto universitario, ya que los estudiantes no tenían permiso para salir fuera. Según recuerda Elwali, la policía rodeó todo el campus. "Una vez que obtuvieron permiso del rector, entraron. Tiraban botes de humo y pelotas de goma. Todos los estudiantes corrimos. La policía nos perseguía con porras. Yo me refugié con dos amigos en la azotea de la residencia de estudiantes, pensando que no subirían hasta allí".
Minutos después, Elwali terminaba estrellado en el suelo, frente a los dormitorios de la residencia masculina. "Tras la caída no perdí el conocimiento. Me dolía terriblemente la cabeza. Pasaron dos horas y media hasta que me atendieron. Todo el mundo corría de un lado a otro. Al terminar todo, se dieron cuenta de mi estado. Me sacaron en una de las primeras ambulancias".
En el hospital de Marrakech fue operado de sus heridas. "Fueron unos meses terribles, lo pasé muy mal, con muchos dolores". Sus padres vendieron su vivienda de Assa para poder pagarle una clínica privada en Marruecos, donde esperaban que recibiese mejor trato. Finalmente, su historia fue conocida por una plataforma de asociaciones de apoyo al pueblo saharaui de Córdoba, que consiguieron trasladar al joven a la ciudad andaluza a finales de diciembre.
Ahora espera ingresar en el hospital de Parapléjicos de Toledo para seguir su tratamiento y lograr la mayor autonomía posible. "Luego volveré al Sáhara. Quiero seguir luchando por mi pueblo", dice.
AWSA supports UPES for the release of Mustapha Abd Daiem
The Australia Western Sahara Association (AWSA) expressed support to the Saharawi Journalists’ and Writers’ Union (UPES) for the release of the Saharawi prisoner of conscience and member of UPES, Mustapha Abd Daiem. The Australian organization expressed concerns, in a letter to the Secretary General of UPES, about the injustice to which Mustapha was subjected. Here is the complete text of the letter: -------------------------------------------------------------- 28 January 2009 Mr. Malainin Lakhal General Secretary UPES Saharawi Refugee camps Dear Malainin Free Mustapha Abd Daiem Campaign I am writing on behalf of the Australia Western Sahara Association (AWSA) to express our support for your campaign for Mustapha Abd Daiem, a Saharawi human rights activist, journalist and member of the Assa-Zag Branch of the Moroccan Association for Human Rights and the Saharawi Journalists’ and Writers’ Union. We are aware that Mustafa Abd Daiem is currently serving a three year prison sentence in Ait Meloul prison in Morocco and has been on a hunger strike to protest his situation. AWSA is concerned about his recent trial which we understand was highly irregular and thus his current prison sentence is unfair and unjustified. On 4 November, the Court of First Instance of Guelmim convicted him of offending the flag of the Kingdom of Morocco, rebelling and inciting an armed gathering, participating in the destruction of public property and participating in the contempt of public officials on duty. In addition to the prison term he was fined 50,000 dirhams (approximately US$6,220). The sentence also leaves him unemployed, as it included a prohibition of practicing teaching or working in any educational institution for a period of 10 years. Mustafa Abdel Dayem and his lawyers insist that the record of his questioning by the Royal Gendarmerie (procès-verbal), on which his conviction was largely based, was falsified and different from the one he originally signed. He was also denied his right to be defended by legal counsel during his appeal trial. We understand that Mustapha’s treatment is in response to his belief in Saharawi independence. This would appear to be another example of the abuse of the human rights in the occupied territory of Western Sahara, including torture, restriction of freedom of expression and unfair trials for those Saharawis who publicly express opposition to the Moroccan occupation. For these reasons AWSA strongly supports the campaign run by UPES for the release of Mustapha Abd Daiem. Yours sincerely Lesley Osborne AWSA Vice President/Secretary ------------------------- Related stories: 18/01/2009Western Sahara Campaign UK supports UPES for the release of Mustapha Abd Daiem 14/01/2009- Mustapha Abd Daiem transferred from the prison of Inzegan to Ait Meloul 24/12/2008- Free Mustapha Abd Daiem: Save the life of the family of a Saharawi prisoner of conscience in hunger strike 23/12/2008- Amnesty International: Irregularities in Saharawi activist’s trial 23/12/2008- The President of the Republic condemns Moroccan Forces kidnapping a 9 years old girl in Smara 21/11/2008- Moroccan court of appeal postpones the trial of Saharawi journalist to Nov 27 12/11/2008- Strong denunciation of the imprisonment of the Saharawi journalist Moustafa Abd daiem 06/11/2008- The President of the Republic denounced the condemnation of the Saharawi journalist Moustapha Abd Dayem 05/11/2008- Sentenced to 3 years imprisonment, Mustapha is transferred to Inzegan prison 04/11/2008- Three years imprisonment and a fine against a member of UPES 28/10/2008- Moroccan colonial authorities kidnap a Saharawi journalist and writer 28/10/2008- Violent confrontations in Assa between the Moroccan colonial forces and Saharawi demonstrators 22/07/2007- Moroccan regime harasses Saharawi journalist Mustapha Abdedaim again |
quarta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2009
Libyan rumours resurface

Rumours of Libyan state oil company Tamoil having entered occupied Western Sahara were in 2007 emphanitcally denied by the company. Now, the rumours resurface in Spanish media.
According to the Spanish news service Capital News, the Libyan state owned oil company Tamoil has been carrying out oil exploration in Western Sahara "for months".
"En tierras saharauis espera ya, explorando desde hace meses la estatal libia Tamoil. Invertirá de 100 a 150 millones de dólares en el Sáhara Occidental y doblará la cifra si descubre petróleo."
Capital News, 27 January 2009Tamoil is according to Capital News investing between 100 and 150 million rollars in Western Sahara, an amount that would doubled once petroleum is found. The exact same information was first covered by Moroccan media in 2007 .
Tamoil denied the news that then had appeared in Moroccan media back in 2007.
"The company denies emphatically some media reports about an oil investment deal in Western Sahara. It did not sign any agreement on oil exploration permits in Western Sahara and it has no plan to invest in any oil operations there", they stated to Reuters on December 26th 2007.
WSRW has not yet seen any comment from the company on this new development.
"Le Gouvernement et les peuples de l'Espagne expriment leur solidarité avec le peuple sahraoui" (Miguel Angel Moratinos)

Chahid El Hafed, "Le Gouvernement et les peuples de l'Espagne se solidarisent avec le peuple sahraoui, à titre exceptionnel", a précisé le chef de la diplomatie espagnole, Miguel Angel Moratinos, en réponse à une lettre adressée par le président du Conseil consultatif sahraoui, Mohamed Mouloud Baali, en octobre dernier, au roi d’Espagne, Juan Carlos.
"L’Espagne est le premier donateur international à travers sa contribution d’un montant de plus de 20 millions d'euros durant l'année écoulée, afin d'alléger les dures conditions de vie dans les camps de réfugiés sahraouis", a ajouté M. Moratinos dans sa lettre parvenue à SPS.
L'Espagne, a-t-il dit, "est consciente de la souffrance du peuple sahraoui et elle joue un rôle prépondérant dans les négociations de Manhasset, conformément aux résolutions du Conseil de sécurité 1754, 1783 et 1813, tenant compte des difficultés devant la solution du conflit qui a trop duré".
"Nous œuvrons avec confiance pour la réussite du nouvel envoyé personnel du Secrétaire général de l'ONU au Sahara Occidental, dans sa mission et la tenue du cinquième round de négociations entre les parties dans les plus brefs délais", a-t-il souligné.
Arrestation et intimidation des activistes sahraouis devant la résidence de la délégation ad hoc du Parlement européen

El Aaiun (territoires occupés du Sahara occidental), Les forces de sécurité marocaines ont empêché mardi des dizaines de citoyens sahraouis, y compris des défenseurs des droits de l'homme, l'accès à la résidence de la délégation ad hoc du Parlement européen, venue pour s’enquérir sur place de la situation des droits de l'homme au Sahara occidental.
Selon des sources judiciaires sur place, "les patrouilles des services de sécurité et des agents de renseignement déguisés en civil ont violemment réprimé les Sahraouis qui souhaitaient rencontrer la mission européenne. Les forces marocaine ont rapidement arrêté ces personnes, afin d’empêcher tout constat de rassemblement populaire devant la résidence de cette mission".
Les forces d'occupation ont arrêté plusieurs personnes, dont Mme Lammat Zoghman, Alkarcar Minetou, Daoudi Fatimetou, Khadijetou El Moussaoui, Mohamed Al Qasimi, après avoir réprimé une manifestation pacifique réclamant le droit inaliénable du peuple sahraoui à l’autodétermination.
Un autre militant des droits de l'homme, Oulad Cheikh Al Mahjoub, a été grièvement blessé par les forces marocaines, alors qu’il se dirigeait en compagnie de ses compatriote, Ahmed Hamiya et Rashid Sghayer vers la résidence de mission européenne. Elles ont également empêché les défenseurs sahraouis des droits humains, Ahmed El Moussaoui, Salek Bazeid, Ahmed Mjeyid et Ahmed Dih de rencontrer la délégation ad hoc du Parlement européen.
Les autorités d'occupation marocaines avaient procédé depuis lundi au déploiement des points de surveillance aux niveaux des voies menant, de et vers la ville d’El Aaiun, notamment vers Tantan (sud du Maroc) et la ville de Smara (Sahara Occidental), où des centaines de personnes ont été empêché d’entrer la ville d’El Aaiun, rappelle-t-on.
Les services de sécurité marocains ont enlevés des jeunes sahraouis, dont l’ex prisonnier politique, El Hafed Toubali et les ont interrogé sous la torture, concernant l’agenda de la délégation européenne au Sahara Occidental, ont ajouté les mêmes sources.
L’ancien chef de la MINURSO compte poursuivre son action jusqu’au référendum d’autodétermination au Sahara occidental

Bruxelles, L’ancien chef de la MINURSO, l’Italien Francesco Bastagli, a réitéré à Bruxelles son engagement à poursuivre son action jusqu'à l’organisation du référendum d’autodétermination au Sahara occidental.
Lors d’une conférence qu’il a animée, mardi au Parlement européen, M. Bastagli, responsable de la Minurso de 2005 à septembre 2006, a indiqué que quelques jours avant la fin de son mandat, une femme sahraouie l’avait interpellé en lui demandant ce que l’ONU a fait pour le Sahara occidental.
Ce qui l'a poussé, a-t-il dit, à "aller jusqu’au bout, jusqu’au référendum". Pour lui, la Minurso est une "dérive" du droit international. "Elle a été créée pour neuf mois et la voilà qui dure depuis 17 ans, en raison du refus du Maroc d’accepter les accords conclus concernant l’organisation d’un référendum d'autodétermination pour le Sahara occidental".
Il a, d’autre part, indiqué à son auditoire qu’il était présent à Bruxelles pour demander aux institutions de l’Union européenne de "suspendre l’accord de pêche en vigueur avec le Maroc".
Pour lui, l’Union européenne "n’a pas le droit d’inclure le Sahara occidental dans l’accord avec le Maroc relatif au "statut avancé" qu’elle envisage de lui accorder. Du point de vue du droit international, le Sahara occidental figure sur la liste des territoires non autonomes, a-t-il fait remarquer relevant de la doctrine des Nations unies de décolonisation.
Au chapitre des mesures à envisager pour mettre un terme à ce conflit, l’intervenant a appelé la communauté internationale à "faire pression sur le Maroc pour poursuivre les négociations avec le Front Polisario".
Il a également exhorté les parties au conflit d'exclure le recours à la guerre, convaincu que cette éventualité aurait des "conséquences négatives".
Plusieurs députés européens et des représentants de la société civile, parmi eux les eurodéputés, la Portugaise Anna Gomez et l'Espagnol Raul Romero, ainsi que le représentant du Sahara occidental en Belgique étaient présents à cette rencontre.
M. Bastagli devra animer mercredi une conférence de presse au Centre international de presse de Bruxelles, en présence de la presse internationale.
Mise en place d’un nouveau comité sahraoui pour l’observatoire des droits humains à Assa (sud du Maroc)

Assa (sud du Maroc), Un nouveau comité sahraoui pour l’observatoire des droits humains (CSO) à Assa (sud du Maroc) vient de voir le jour à la ville d’Assa, à l’initiative d’un groupe d’activistes associatifs et ex-prisonniers politiques sahraouis, indique un communiqué parvenu à SPS.
Cette initiative intervient dans "le cadre de concrétiser une vision sure et sincère pour lutter contre les violations graves des droits humains commises par l’Etat marocain contre les Sahraouis au Sahara Occidental, au sud du Maroc et dans les campus universitaires", a précisé la même source.
Le CSO est constitué d’un bureau majoritairement d’ex prisonniers politiques sahraouis, composé d’un président, de trois vices présidents, dont deux sont, d’un SG, deux adjoints, d’un trésorier et son adjoint, ainsi que trois conseillers, a ajouté la même source.
AMDH says Moroccan police stopped its members from meeting the EP ad-hoc delegation in el Aaiun twice
The Moroccan Human Rights Association (AMDH), El Aaiun Branch, indicated that the Moroccan colonial authorities in El Aaiun chased its members twice to stop them from meeting the European Parliament’s Ad-Hoc Delegation in Parador Hotel. The members of the Association said they were contacted by the members of the ad-hoc delegation, via phone calls, asking them to come so as to meet at Parador hotel, but the police didn’t allow the human rights defenders to get to the room where they were supposed to meet with the parliamentarians. This harassment happened twice, and the parliamentarians called the defenders twice, and had to get out in the third time to meet them outside in the street and get them in. Strongly condemned by the AMDH- El Aaiun Branch, this attitude was the same strategy adopted by the Moroccan police, in many cases disguised in civilian clothes, to stop Saharawi human rights defenders, organizations, and victims of violations from getting through to the members of the European delegation. |
Saharawi workers denied access to the European Parlaiemt’s Ad Hoc Delegation in El Aaiun
The Trade Unionists’ Confederation in Western Sahara (CC.OO.S) was denied access to the members of the European Parliament’s Ad Hoc Delegation, the Confederation indicated in a press release. The members of the Confederation, Sidi Ahmed Dia, Hallab Bachir Khalil, Saaidi El Houssein, were not allowed to meet the members of the Parliament’s Ad-Hoc delegation, which came to El Aaiun yesterday, supposedly to meet the Saharawi human rights activists and victims of the Moroccan repression. The CC.OO.S condemned this Moroccan attitude, and criticised the work and procedures adopted by the European Ad-Hoc Delegation, which was confined in the hotel of Parador and had in all cases to get out and accompany the activists in otherwise the Moroccan police intimidate them and chase them. CC.OO.S also criticised the programme of the European delegation, considering that dedicating one single day to visit the occupied zones under such conditions of tight police surveillance and lock-down is no use. They also called on international trade unions and human rights organisations to massively intervene and express condemnation of the Moroccan occupation in Western Sahara, and on the other hand support and express solidarity with Saharawi trade unionists in the territory. The Moroccan forces of occupation proceeded on Monday evening to close off the principal streets leading to the town of El Aaiun (Western Sahara) on the eve of the arrival of the ad hoc mission from the European Parliament to Western Sahara, it should be recalled. There was also a large redeployment of Moroccan information services in the various arteries of the town, held under patrols of the forces of repression which line the popular quarters, notably Hay Maatallah, in order to prevent any demonstration calling for the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people. These same forces, some disguised in plainclothes, proceeded to surveillance of the homes of Saharawi human rights defenders, concordant sources from the occupied zones indicated. Elsewhere, Saharawi human rights activists were arrested, such as El Hafed Toubali who underwent interrogation relating to the agenda of the meeting with the ad hoc mission of the European Parliament. The joint delegation of the Ad Hoc Delegation and the Maghreb Delegation, respectively chaired by Mr Joannis Kassoulides, MEP and former Cypriot Minister of Foreign Affairs and Mr Carlos Uturgaiz, MEP and president of the Maghreb delegation arrived on Tuesday in El Aaiun where it met several Saharawi NGOs, human rights defenders, victims of repression and members of the families of disappeared Saharawis. The delegation had been set up at the end of the resolution of 27 October 2005, with its mission to inquire into the human rights situation in Western Sahara and to report back to the European Parliament. Since 2005, the Moroccan authorities using manoeuvres and arguing on false pretexts, have attempted by every means to stop the visit of the Ad Hoc Delegation to the occupied territories of Western Sahara where terror and repression hold sway amongst Saharawi populations, said the Minister Counselor to the President of the Saharawi Republic, Mr Mohamed Sidati.
Moroccan forces put the occupied town of El Aaiun into lock-down
The Moroccan forces of occupation proceeded on Monday evening to close off the principal streets leading to the town of El Aaiun (Western Sahara) on the eve of the arrival of the ad hoc mission from the European Parliament to Western Sahara, a source of the Ministry for the Occupied Territories and the Diaspora reported. The same source also pointed out the large redeployment of Moroccan information services in the various arteries of the town, held under patrols of the forces of repression which line the popular quarters, notably Hay Maatallah, in order to prevent any demonstration calling for the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people, they added. These same forces, some disguised in plainclothes, proceeded to surveillance of the homes of Saharawi human rights defenders, the same source underlined. Elsewhere, Saharawi human rights activists were arrested, such as El Hafed Toubali who underwent interrogation relating to the agenda of the meeting with the ad hoc mission of the European Parliament. The joint delegation of the Ad Hoc Delegation and the Maghreb Delegation, respectively chaired by Mr Joannis Kassoulides, MEP and former Cypriot Minister of Foreign Affairs and Mr Carlos Uturgaiz, MEP and president of the Maghreb delegation arrived on Tuesday in El Aaiun where it met several Saharawi NGOs, human rights defenders, victims of repression and members of the families of disappeared Saharawis. The delegation had been set up at the end of the resolution of 27 October 2005, with its mission to inquire into the human rights situation in Western Sahara and to report back to the European Parliament. Since 2005, the Moroccan authorities using manoeuvres and arguing on false pretexts, have attempted by every means to stop the visit of the Ad Hoc Delegation to the occupied territories of Western Sahara where terror and repression hold sway amongst Saharawi populations, said the Minister Counselor to the President of the Saharawi Republic, Mr Mohamed Sidati. |
terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2009
La Délégation Ad Hoc du Parlement Européen, pour le Sahara Occidental, se rend enfin à El Aiun (Polisario)

Chahid el Hafed, Une Délégation conjointe composée de la Délégation Ad hoc et la Délégation Maghreb, respectivement présidées par MM. Joannis Kassoulides, eurodéputé et ex ministre des affaires étrangères de Chypre, et Carlos Uturgaiz Eurodéputé president de la delegation Maghreb; se rend demain mardi, à El Aiunn (Sahara Occidental) illégalement occupé par le Maroc, a-t-on appris auprès du ministre conseiller à la Présidence de la République, chargé de l’Europe, M. Mohamed Sidati.
La. Délégation rencontrera plusieurs ONG sahraouies, des défenseurs des droits de l’homme ; des victimes de la répression et des membres des familles des disparus, a précisé la même source.
Il est à rappeler que la Délégation Ad Hoc a été constitué au terme de la résolution du 27 octobre 2005, avec pour mission d’enquêter sur la situation des droits de l’Homme au Sahara Occidental, et faire rapport au Parlement Européen.
"Depuis 2005, les autorités marocaines usant de manœuvres et, arguant de faux prétextes, ont tenté par tous les moyens d’empêcher la visite de la Délégation ad hoc aux territoires occupés du Sahara Occidental où sévit la terreur et la répression à l’endroit des populations sahraouies", a déploré le diplomate sahraoui.
5 membres d'une même famille blessés grave à la suite d’une explosion de mine au sud de la ville de Assa

Chahid El Hafed, Une explosion de mines s’est produite dimanche dans la région d'Al Hamada, 160 km au sud de la ville de Assa, blessant grièvement 5 membres d'une famille sahraouie, a rapporté le Collectif des défenseurs sahraouis des droits humains (CODESA).
Le CODESA a déclaré que la première explosion s'est produite dimanche vers sept heures du soir, ayant fait sauter un véhicule 4x4 et blessé cinq membres d’une même famille et qui a nécessité le transfert de certains d'entre eux vers l'hôpital de la ville.
La même source a ajouté que le père de la famille, Blah Jaa (60 ans) a été légèrement blessé, et sa fille Hayat Jaa (10 ans) a été amputé de sa jambe et son bras et sa jambe droit cassés. Après avoir reçu les premiers soins dans l'hôpital régional de la ville de Assa, ils ont été transférés à l’hopital d’Agadir (Maroc).
Soeur Ageda Jaa (27 ans) souffre également des fractions des différentes parties de son corps et a été évacué de l'hôpital sans que les fractions ont été retirés de son corps, tandis que Mohamed Jaa (13 ans) a été blessé au niveau du visage.
La deuxième explosion a blessé conducteur un camion de transport de bétails, âgé de 57 ans, qui accompagnait la voiture qui a sauté sur la première explosion, a ajouté la même source.
Le CODESA a été surpris que les autorités marocaines ont dépêché le jour suivant une équipe d'ingénierie de l'armée marocaine pour le déminage de la zone, sachant que les autorités marocaines avaient réaffirmé auparavant le déminage de cette zone.
domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2009
Une ONG espagnole dénonce la tenue à Barcelone d’un salon immobilier marocain "mettant en vente" le Sahara occidental

Madrid, La Coordination espagnole des associations solidaires avec le Sahara occidental (CEAS) a dénoncé la tenue à Barcelone d’un salon immobilier marocain dont les promoteurs invitent à grands renforts publicitaires à "faire des affaires" dans les territoires sahraouis occupés.
"C’est une provocation de voir comment le Maroc n’a aucun scrupule à annoncer le pillage du Sahara occidental et comment les entreprises immobilières et européennes (…) se frottent les mains devant la perspective de se partager le gâteau de la côte du Sahara occidental", souligne la CEAS dans un communiqué.
La Coordination, qui regroupe près de 200 associations de soutien au peuple sahraoui pour son droit à l’autodétermination et l’indépendance, affirme que cette foire marocaine "viole les différentes résolutions de l’ONU interdisant l’exploitation des richesses du Sahara occidental sans le consentement de ses légitimes représentants".
La CEAS rappelle que toutes les institutions catalanes ont adopté des motions en faveur du peuple sahraoui et d’une solution juste au conflit qui doit passer par le respect de la légalité internationale.
"Si la promotion des affaires immobilières dans les territoires sahraouis occupés se fait avec les subventions de la mairie de Barcelone et de la Generalitat de Catalogne (NDLR : Gouvernement de la communauté autonome de la Catalogne), il reste clair que ces institutions sont en train de financer un délit international avec l’argent des contribuables catalans, et deviennent ainsi des complices de l’exploitation et pillage du Sahara occidental", dénonce-t-elle encore.
Dans ce sens, le mouvement solidaire avec le peuple sahraoui a exprimé son "indignation" face au "silence" du Parlement catalan, estimant que dans cette conjoncture, les motions et résolutions en faveur de ce peuple "ne servent à rien si, derrière son dos, on négocie avec sa terre et on continue en même temps à vendre des armes au Maroc".
La CEAS a dénoncé ainsi cette "hypocrisie consistant à exiger le respect de la légalité internationale ailleurs et à s’en désintéresser ensuite pour promouvoir des affaires dans un territoire encore en conflit".
La Coordination a souligné, par ailleurs, qu’"investir aujourd’hui au Sahara occidental occupé ne fait que renforcer l’intransigeance et l’impunité du Maroc et ne contribue en rien à la recherche d’une solution juste et pacifique devant respecter le droit à l’autodétermination au peuple sahraoui".
Investir dans cette ancienne colonie espagnole "c'est se rendre également complice de la permanente violation des droits de l’homme des Sahraouis qui vivent sous l’occupation militaire depuis que l’Espagne a abandonné le Sahara occidental", ajoute-t-elle.
Enfin, elle a appelé les partis politiques, syndicats, associations de jeunes et les organisations solidaires à s’opposer à cette "flagrante violation" de la légalité internationale et à soutenir le mouvement de solidarité avec le peuple sahraoui.
Enlèvement d’un ex prisonnier politique sahraoui à la ville occupée d’El Aaiun

El Aaiun (territoires occupés), Les forces marocaines d’occupation ont procédé mercredi dernier à l’enlèvement de l’ex prisonnier politique sahraoui, El Hafed Toubali du quartier ‘El Mattar’ à la ville occupé d’El Aaiun, a-t-on appris de source du ministère des territoires occupés et de la diaspora.
M. El Hafed a été conduit les yeux bandés au siège de la sécurité de la ville d’El Aaiun où il a été interrogé pendant plus de deux heures sur l’accueil chaleureux qui a été réservé à la ville de Smara aux 3 prisonniers politiques sahraouis récemment libérés de la Carcel negra, a ajouté la même source.
La délégation venant de la ville d’El Aaiun pour présenter ses félicitations à ces ex prisonniers politiques sahraouis, les interventions au cours de cet accueil, ont été également au centre des interrogations d’El Hafed, avant qu’il soit libéré et interpellé le lendemain pour complément de ces interrogatoires, a-t-on souligné.
Par ailleurs, la délégation ad hoc du Parlement européen s’apprête à visiter mardi les territoires occupés du Sahara Occidental afin de s’enquérir de la situation des droits de l’Homme dans ces territoires.
Le Président de la République appelle l’ONU à mettre à terme la nouvelle escalade marocaine au Sahara occidental

Bir Lehlu (territoires libérés), Le président de la République, Mohamed Abdelaziz a appelé le SG de l’ONU, Ban Ki-Moon afin d’intervenir en urgence pour "arrêter immédiatement la nouvelle escalade militaire marocaine, à travers une grande opération de reconstruction et consolidation de son mur militaire en cours au Sahara occidental et amener le Maroc à se conformer à la légalité internationale."
"Selon les dernières informations que nous disposons, des travaux de creusage, notamment dans la zone du 47ème régiment situé au secteur Oum Dreiga, précisément entre les points de surveillance 121 et 161, le Maroc procède depuis le d’octobre dernier à la reconstruction et l’élargissement du mur militaire et à l’amélioration des ses bases militaires", a écrit M. Abdelaziz dans sa lettre à Ban Ki-Moon, dont une copie est parvenue à SPS.
"A une distance de 30 mètre, les forces marocaines procèdent également au creusage d’une fosse de 25 mètres de profondeur et d’une largeur de 4 mètres et à la chasse du cheptel des nomades sahraouis au côté du mur.", a ajouté le Président de la République dans sa lettre.
Le Chef de l’Etat a estimé que "ces agressions militaires marocaines, constituent une provocation inadmissible", non seulement pour la partie sahraouie, mais également pour la communauté internationale dans son ensemble, rappelant "l’accord militaire nº1 établissant clairement que les deux parties sont tenues de respecter l’état de situation prévalant avant la cessation des hostilités et partant interdisaient tout renforcement ou consolidation de leurs dispositifs militaires respectifs".
"Le Maroc persiste dans ses violations des droits de l’Homme au Sahara Occidental, selon les rapports des organisations internationales, dont le Haut commssariat des droits de l’Homme de l’ONU, Amnesty internationale, Human Rights Watch et autres…", ce que a dit M. Abdelaziz, "constitue une violation du cessez le feu en vigueur et une menace de la vie des nomades sahraouis envoisinant le mur de la honte, ainsi que leur cheptel".
Le Président de la République a tenu le Maroc de "responsables des répercutions de ces graves travaux militaires sur la sécurité, la paix et la stabilité dans la région", notamment au moment où le nouvel envoyé personnel du SG de l’ONU au Sahara Occidental s’apprête à prendre ses fonctions.
Il est à rappeler que le Président avait adressé une lettre similaire au SG de l’ONU, Ban Ki-Moon en décembre dernier, relative au activités militaires marocaines au Sahara Occidental, soulignant que "ce mouvement de matériel a pour objectif une activité militaire déclarée de l’armée marocaine, au mépris des termes du cessez-le-feu en vigueur dans le territoire, depuis le 06 septembre 1991".
Polisario Front’s representative in UK gave a presentation at the UK-Charlbury West-Oxfordshire
On 22nd January -UNA Branch Charlbury West-Oxfordshire, invited Mr. Y.Lamine Baali the POLISARIO’s Representative to talk about the conflict of Western Sahara and the perspective of the solution. Under the title “will the Saharawi people exercise their right of self-determination?”, Mr. Y.Lamine Baali gave the following presentation: -------------------- “"We are glad … to fight thus for the ultimate peace of the world and for the liberation of the people … for the rights of nations great and small and the privilege of men everywhere to choose their way of life and of obedience…. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and freedom of the nations can make them." —Woodrow Wilson, 2 April 1917— Mr. Chairman, first of all let me to thank you for inviting me tonight to UNA CHARLBURY Branch West Oxfordshire to talk About My country Western Sahara and her conflict with our neighbor Morocco . However it is rather with a great sadness to see this simple decolonization issue still on the table of the UN. UN Speaking of UN, early this month Mr. Ban Ki-moon the UN Secretary General has nominated Mr Christopher Ross as his special Envoy for Western Sahara substituting Mr Peter Van Walsum the former Special Envoy . This nomination has prompted welcomes from all the concerned and interested parties. POLISARIO welcomed the appointment and "supported and encouraged the implementation of the settlement plan, Houston agreements and Baker plan for self-determination of the people of Western Sahara which are all, unanimously, supported by the Security Council.” Morocco; Mr. Ross will not start from scratch, because there are essential to build on the last “Security Council resolution (1813) urges the parties to work in a spirit of realism and compromise to advance the negotiations" . U.S The United States “welcomes the Secretary-General’s announcement of Ambassador Christopher Ross as his Personal Envoy to the Western Sahara”. “we look forward to the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions 1754, 1783, and 1813. We welcome the prospect of a further round of talks between Morocco and the POLISARIO early in 2009.” And urged “ both parties to quickly accept invitations to the next round of talks mediated by Ambassador Ross, and to continue to negotiate without preconditions and in good faith with a spirit of realism and compromise toward a just, lasting and mutually-acceptable political solution.” France hoped that this nomination will make all the "parties to enter the next stages of the negotiations by showing proof of realism and a spirit of compromise, as called for in UN Security Council resolution 1813 of April, 30, 2008," Spain “Welcomed the decision of UN Secretary-General of the appointment of Mr. Christopher Ross as his new Personal Envoy for Western Sahara.” “This appointment represents an incentive to move towards a just, lasting and mutually acceptable solution that respects the principle of self determination, as has provided the Security Council of UN resolutions.” “Renews her commitment to continue actively to support the efforts of the United Nations, Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy. She expressed hope that Mr Ross will be able soon to convene a new round of negotiations on the basis of the Resolutions 1754, 1783 and 1813 of the Security Council.” And wishes to reiterate her “strong support for the negotiation process and the full implementation of Resolution 1813 of the Security Council, 30.4.200” Algeria Algeria, Ensure its “full readiness to cooperate and assist” the new Special envoy in his efforts to implement the relevant resolutions of the Security Council on the question of Western Sahara which call on the two parties, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front to enter into direct negotiations under UN auspices to find a mutually acceptable political solution, which “allows the people of Western Sahara to exercise their right to self-determination, " Algeria “remains convinced, Ambassador Ross will put his skills and energies to the search for a solution in conformity with international law” and he will receive, in his efforts, the full cooperation of both parties . UK “The UK continues to believe that progress towards a negotiated solution to the dispute in Western Sahara providing for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara, is best achieved under the auspices of the United Nations. To this end and in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution (1813) of 30 April…” Mr chairman the issue here is an issue of Self-determination. Self-determination “The philosophical idea of self-determination arose out of eighteenth-century concern for freedom and the primacy of the individual will. It has been applied to every kind of group which can be said to have a collective will, but in the twentieth century has come to apply primarily to nations. It is also embodied in the charter of the United Nations, in the 1960 Declaration on the Granting of Independence of Colonial Countries and Peoples, and in the 1970 Declaration of the Principles of International Law” (Lincoln Allison) Self-determination: is a process by which a group of people, usually possessing a degree of political consciousness, form their own state and government. The idea evolved as a byproduct of nationalism. According to the UN charter, a people has the right to form it self into a state or to otherwise determine the form of its association with another state, and every state has the right to choose its own political, economic, social, and cultural systems. (visit Decolonization and Self-Determination The principle of self-determination fared considerably better in other areas of the world. In effect, what World War I did for Eastern Europe, World War II accomplished in Asia and Africa. “Unfortunately, when we review situations invoking the principle of self-determination, we encounter what we must call the politics of avoidance: the principle of self-determination has been reduced to a weapon of political rhetoric. The international community, therefore, has abandoned people who have the claim to the principle of self-determination. We must insist that the international community address those situations invoking the right to self-determination in the proper, legal way”.( Karen PARKER) Just last month, in December the whole world has celebrated proudly the 60th anniversary of The Universal Declaration of Human Right . “Following this act UN called upon the countries "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories.” “Western Sahara conflict deadlocked” The disregard of the fundamental principle of UN has led to a vigorous armed conflict between the Kingdom of Morocco and the POLISARIO Front, which make the conflict to continue for more than three decades and half. The question of Western Sahara is an issue of decolonization, of which solution is anchored in the free and democratic exercise by the Saharawi people of their inalienable right to self-determination and independence, as provided for in the UN Charter and other UN relevant resolutions. On 16 October 1975, the International Court of Justice concluded that “the materials and information presented to it do not establish any tie of territorial sovereignty between the Territory of Western Sahara and the Kingdom of Morocco”. The Court also recommended “the implementation of the General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV)… and in particular of the principle of self-determination through the free and genuine expression of the will of the peoples of the Territory”. These conclusions were further confirmed, in January 2002, by M. Hans Corel, in his advisory opinion to the Security Council, by stating that the Spanish withdrawal from the territory in 1975 “did not affect the international status of Western Sahara as a Non-self-governing Territory”. The decolonizing process of Western Sahara was dramatically interrupted in 1975 due to the Moroccan military invasion and illegal occupation of the Territory. Consequently to Morocco invasion, hundreds of thousands of Saharawis, most of them women and children, were forced to exile in neighboring countries; hundreds of Saharawis have been reported disappeared, while others remain imprisoned in Moroccan detention Centers for many years . "what has happened to the proposed UN referendum on self-determination?" In 1991, and after 16 years of military confrontation both parties Morocco and POLISARIO Front come to believe that a military solution is out of sight,thus they have accepted a UN settlement Plan aimed at given the floor to the Saharawi people through the ballot box in “a free and fair referendum, organized and supervised by the UN, and in cooperation with African Union, in this referendum the people will choose between independence and integration into Morocco”. In early nineties every one was enthusiastic toward this solution and even applauded UN for finding this exist to this straight forward decolonization matter . All details of this operation were taken into consideration and UN set up for this purpose a mission known by MINURSO (mission of United Nations for the organization of the referendum in Western Sahara). The result of the referendum must have been published not late than February 1992. Till today the Saharawi people still waiting for the promised referendum to be deliver by international community.? Morocco’s obstructive attitude and lack of political will provoked several deadlocks and stalemates. By opting for complete disengagement from the Settlement Plan, which it had already accepted, Morocco clearly showed how contemptuous it was of the tremendous efforts and huge resources that the United Nations brought to bear on resolving the conflict for eighteen years. It was also Morocco who to date persists in its rejection of the Peace Plan For the Self-determination of the People of Western Sahara, which was the outcome of enormous mediation efforts deployed by the former US Secretary of State, Mr. James Baker III, in his capacity as the UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara since (1997-2004) The peace plan, which was strongly endorsed by the Security Council in its resolution 1495 (2003), has been repeatedly acclaimed by the UN Secretary-General as an optimum, mutually acceptable solution that would provide for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara in consonance with the principles and purposes of the UN Charter. In 1999 Morocco reached the climax of the implementation of its strategy delaying tactic . One have to remember also that Morocco has used as instrument in his approach; a-a presence of more than 165000 soldiers and a military wall stretching for more than 2400 KM fortified with all kind of heavy and light weapons and radars and tanks anti-personal mines,beside high number of the Moroccan settlers b- Morocco managed to avoid any real political pressure from the international community in particular Europe which assist her in many domains without conditioning its help with the progress of the referendum in Western Sahara . This has been perceived as signal of encouragement of Morocco’s illegal occupation of Western Sahara, the above mentioned elements did not drive the development of this conflict to the right direction. 2000 Morocco come to conclusion that the result of the referendum will be the confirmation of the independence of Western Sahara,that is the main reason of that Morocco opted out of the process of the referendum in Western Sahara, and blocked the continuation of the process of the referendum. After it become crystal clear that Morocco disassociate it self from the peace plan process and took step back from the referendum . In September 2004, the Republic of South Africa decided to recognize the Saharawi Republic in accordance with the principles and purposes of the UN Charter. "When will the Saharawi people achieve self-determination?" ‘Peaceful resistance in the occupied territories is irreversible path for the referendum ‘ Since 2005 and out frustration and anger to Morocco’s obstruction position The Saharawi people from different walk of the life : Women,children,teen ages, adults, elderly have shown in united way their strong rejection to the Moroccan occupying force through many,peaceful demonstrations in all Saharawi towns, such are Aaiun, Smara Dakhla, Bojdour, and in the south part of Morocco like Assa or Tan Tan,Goulimin . Amhamid Al ghzlane, and in the Moroccan universities too. Human Right requires deeds Human right Organizations including Amnesty International, Freedom House, Human Rights Watch and the European Parliament and many NGOs,all have strongly criticized the Moroccan government’s alarming human rights record in Western Sahara. The most of all the reports of the High Commissioner for Human Right of UN in June 2006 which was blocked from publication by some permanent member of security council UN. This leaked report reported in its paragraph “9. The question of the right to self-determination of the people of Western Sahara is paramount to the consideration of the overall human rights situation in the respective territories. It is a human right enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). The respect of all human rights of the people of Western Sahara must be seen in tandem with this right and a Jack of its realization will inevitably impact on the enjoyment of all other rights guaranteed, inter alia, in the seven tore international human rights treaties in force.” EU-Morocco advanced status In early October,EU starts a process of grating an advance status to Morocco, and just few days ago the Moroccan hard liner prime Minister was quoted by Parliament Magazine: saying that “the advanced status will enable Morocco to have ‘best possible relations’ with EU. "Morocco always seeks more and better" because, besides its favorable geographical position . The Moroccan PM highlighted that his country was the first to have an enhanced political dialogue with the EU. The Moroccan PM was so happy for that Morocco is doing a great job in the field of migration. This is a message for Europe which means I have done my part you have to do yours. It is primordial that Europe need to make clear that Western Sahara is explicitly excluded from the Advanced Status and ought to be mislead by the occupying power . In 2004 U.S.A had signed a free trade agreement with Morocco, it has excluded categorically Western Sahara from the agreement, due to the fact that Western Sahara it is a decolonization matter . It is worth to bear in mind that, Barcelona declaration, associations partnership, neighbourhood policy, strongly emphases the full respect of human rights. In December 2008,Human Right Watch published a report which showed clearly the flagrant violation of human right in the occupied territories of Western Sahara carried by the Moroccan authorities . Why still no signe of European pressure on Morocco to bide by international legality? It so strange ! Illegal exploitation of the mineral resources Other aspect of this conflict is the illegal exploitation of the Saharawi mineral resources such as Fish, Phosphate and Sand,others. Mr Hans Corell in his conclusion at the conference on multilateralism and International Law with Western Sahara as case study hosted by the South Africa Department of Foreign Affairs and the University of Pretoria,4and 5th December 2008 "[I] further exploration and exploitation activities were to proceed in disregard of the interests and wishes of the people of Western Sahara, they would be in violation of the principles of international law applicable to mineral resource activities in Non-Self-Governing Territories." Dear friends, till when the Saharawi people will be enduring alone the burden of the destitution, deprivation from its political, economic, cultural, social right? “will the Saharawi people exercise their right of self-determination?” 35 years has elapsed and the Saharawi people waiting for the international community to honor its political, moral obligation . In the context of seeking way-out, the Saharawi side has contributed sufficiently and eloquently to the creation of a climate of détente and tolerance necessary for any sincere and honest negotiation, which might lead to the just and lasting solution to this long overdue conflict. On 11th April 2007 in this framework, POLISARIO Front handed over to Secretary-General of UN a proposal which takes into account the concerns of Morocco. It is with deep disappointed that Morocco continues its intransigence and refused to accept any solution less than what so called “autonomy” . It is rather astonishing that the conflict of Western Sahara has been dealt with by five Secretary General of UN and many special envoys and more than 100 UN resolutions and MINURSO ( UN mission for the referendum in Western Sahara) has been in the countries more that 17 years . It is time for that the international community must came to use its influence on Morocco to say to her enough is enough time came for that Morocco must bide by the UN resolutions and start without further delay the implementation of the Peace Plan and respect the Human right and release all 40 Saharawi political prisoners and give an account on 500 Saharawi disappeared since 70s and release 150 Saharawi POWs, and open the occupied territories for MPs. MEPs, Press, NGOs, Diplomats, Observers . Barrack Obama 20th January 2009, the 44th USA president Mr Barack Obama has received world wide congratulation, among the congratulators the king of Morocco, in his letter of congratulation according to the Moroccan news agency(MAP) the king expressed that the two nations means Morocco, USA “share a firm belief in the universal human values of democracy, human rights, dignity and justice.”() and underline the whish to “work for the emergence of a better world, which is more secure, peaceful, balanced and equitable; a world with a keener sense of solidarity and stronger commitment to international legitimacy in different regions in the world.” It is nice vision and good desire, but the trouble if Morocco is asking for cooperation in the international arena,she must be prepare to change it political behavior in particular in the question of Western Sahara,and if Morocco is really concerned about the justice and universal human value of democracy,in this logic Morocco need to start contributing to achieve the above mentioned objects and assisting USA and international community by allowing Saharawi people to exercise its right of self-determination as stipulated in the UN resolution. “A light in the end of the tunnel” -The conflict of Western Sahara, is the most easy and straightforward decolonization matter, Therefore UN can score a positive point by-which can serve to increase its very law credibility before the eyes of the people in the region. -New American president hinted that he is going to work in fair manner for justice and dignity of the people through out the World signaling the importance of the respect of international law and human right . -A new special envoy, known by his credibility and dignity and high diplomatic skills ; very well experienced,and enjoy unreservedly support from the heavy-weight countries -The Saharawi people cannot be silent for ever, while it has been deprived from its political, economic, cultural, civil right -There is an alarming human right situation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara very well documented need to be addressed . -Thus It is about time that the countries expressed, the support directly or indirectly –by voting in favor of the UNSC resolution which all reaffirmed the support to the right of self-determination for the Saharawi people, in particular (USA; Spain; UK; France and other)need to play a constructive role in persuading Morocco to bide by the result of the ballot box . -Europe collectively or individually cannot be driven forever, blindly by a short gains on the expense of the respect of the Human right and avoidance of dealing with the western Sahara conflict in the right framework. Nonetheless, this is the right time to bush for the referendum in Western Sahara as the best democratic solution . It might sound easy and so optimistic view however in my opinion this is the right time . Conclusion After very long deadlock and taking into account the above mentioned points, I believe that there is a light in the end of the tunnel, the new Special envoy will call for the 5th round of negotiation with the support of weighted countries, and Morocco cannot afford to be the rebellion against the international community forever. Therefore the Saharawi people can achieve the exercise of the right of self-determination providing the international community - government and civil society are alike, assume their political responsibility toward the Saharawi people .The referendum in Western Sahara is the responsibility of everyone Finally May I think for having me at this meeting. "Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions, and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own." —John Quincy Adams, 4 July 1821—“ Y.Lamine Baali POLISARIO’s Chief-representative UK and Ireland |