Polisario Front’s National Secretariat warned, in a press release yesterday, against the Moroccan persistence in putting obstacles in front of the decolonisation of Western Sahara, and its latest military movement near the Moroccan wall that separates the territory in two parts. Here is the complete text of the press release adopted by the NS after its fourth ordinary meeting, held on the 12 and 13 January in the Saharawi refugee camps. ------------------------------ Polisario Front National Secretariat Final Statement of 4th ordinary round of national secretariat Headed by Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, Secretary-General of Polisario Front and Head of the State, the National Secretariat of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Río de Oro held its fourth ordinary session on 12 and January 13, 2009. Having heard the report of the National Secretariat Bureau concerning the period between the third and fourth sessions, which coincides with the assessment of the first year after the twelfth Conference of the front and proceed to the Government in the preparation of the annual program to be submitted to the National Council. The Secretariat heard detailed presentations, including presentation by the Ministry of Defence about the readiness and willingness of the Saharawi People’s Liberation Army, and the participation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic in the peace and security forces, which is overseen by the African Union, and another presentation about the developments and prospects of the UN peace process, the situation of human rights and looting the natural resources in the Saharawi occupied territories. Having expressed satisfaction with the conduct of regular assessments of the programs, paid tribute to the spirit of impulse that characterized the national scene throughout the year, the National Secretariat drew the broad outlines of social and economic programs, it also drew the priorities of the military and diplomatic work, on the basis of the decisions of the Twelfth Congress, and the requirements of the current stage. which requires, on one hand, dealing with international peace efforts, after the appointment of a new Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Western Sahara, and on the other the need for vigilance and caution about the developments in the field, which reveal the intent of the Kingdom of Morocco in the escalation, and to continue in the approach of intransigence and obstruction. The National Secretariat concluded that all the facts prove that the Moroccan government turns its back to the international legality, and practically links its cooperation with the international community by imposing its conditions and attempts to pass its failed manoeuvres of illegalizing its illegal occupation of our country, where this has become a traditional attitude of intransigence in its dealings with the United Nations which considers the issue of Western Sahara as an issue of decolonization that can be solved only through the empowerment of the inalienable right of the Saharawi people of self-determination and independence. While the National Secretariat of Polisario Front renewed its willingness to fully cooperate with the United Nations, and the resumption of direct negotiations with the Kingdom of Morocco, under the auspices of United Nations Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy, in order to allow the establishment of a lasting and just peace in Western Sahara, the National Secretariat draws attention of International Community to the dangers that may result from the Moroccan intensive efforts of armament and military preparations and harassments, which is uncovered muscle flexing that threat to blow up the cease-fire existing since 1991, while the new Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Western Sahara is preparing himself to start his mandate. The National Secretariat puts full responsibility on the Moroccan government, not only on abortion and obstruction of international efforts for peace, but also on all the implications on security, peace and stability in the region that could be caused by this policy of expansionism, miscalculations and reckless steps that might be made by the Government of Morocco. The National Secretariat considered in depth the difficult conditions and serious developments in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, southern Morocco and in the university sites, and strongly condemned the assassination of the two martyrs Baba Khia and Hussein Lektif, victims of a heinous crime for which the Moroccan State bears full responsibility. The National Secretariat applauds the continuation of peaceful resistance, within the framework of the triumphant Intifada of independence, and its resistance to the Moroccan occupation despite the ongoing practice of state terrorism, brutal oppression and blind persecution by Moroccan regime, against the Sahrawi unarmed citizens. After the testimony of many international organizations, such as UNHCHR, the famous Robert F. Kennedy foundation and others, Human Rights Watch published its report which reflects the atrocious violations of human rights committed by the Moroccan State. All of this reflects the growing global awareness about the tragedy of the Saharawi people, and strengthens the position of the Polisario Front, which calls for the expansion of the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, MINURSO, to include the protection of the unarmed Saharawi citizens, the control of the situation of human rights and to report on it in the region of its mandate. In this context, the National Secretariat calls on the international community to put pressure on the Moroccan government to release, immediately and unconditionally, all Saharawi political prisoners, and to disclose the fate of all Saharawi disappeared persons and prisoners of war, and to open the Territory to observers and media. The National Secretariat condemns the greedy looting of Saharawi natural resources by Moroccan government, in collusion with foreign bodies, which generates for it billions of dollars for a year, which contributes to the financing of its illegal occupation and encourages it to proceed with the intransigence and obstruction of the peace efforts. The National Secretariat while renewing its call to remind that the Saharawi people is the only legitimate owner who is entitled to dispose his own natural resource, it made an urgent appeal to all governments and companies involved to immediately stop contributing in this colonial project, which is contrary to international laws, norms, morals and values. In this context, the National Secretariat addresses specifically the European Union, Council and Governments, asking it to reconsider the maritime fishing agreement signed with the Government of Morocco, and to take all necessary actions and measures to ensure the exception of Western Sahara land and resources from any actual or future agreement with Morocco, in respect to international law and contribution to the success of Western Sahara decolonization process, and the maintenance of peace and stability in the region. On the other hand, the National Secretariat, expressed concern about the chronic shortage of humanitarian aid received by the Saharawi refugees, and called upon States and organizations concerned to act quickly to fill the shortfall, particularly in the nutrition field. The National Secretariat has condemned the horrible massacres committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip, and called upon the international community to immediately intervene to put an end to this tragedy, and to find a solution to the issue of Middle East, that guarantees the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of its independent state. The National Secretariat renewed thanks and appreciation to all friends and brothers in the world for their positions of support to the just cause of the Saharawi people, notably Algeria, under the chairmanship of His Excellency Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika, which is strongly committed to the defence of the respect and application of international legitimacy, the decolonization of Western Sahara, and the empowerment of the Saharawi people to exercise its inalienable right of self-determination and independence. Finally, while the National Secretariat salutes the masses of our people in the liberated territories, in the camps of pride and dignity, in the occupied territories and southern Morocco, in the countryside and communities, and warmly greets the Saharawi People’s Liberation Army fighters, it appeals to all Saharawis to redouble efforts, and strengthen the fabric of unity and steadfastness, through the embodiment of the twelfth Front Polisario congress decisions, to keep readiness to confront the occupation manoeuvres, and make all national coming merits succeed. Entire struggle to impose the sovereignty and full independence
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