The Swedish Green Party signs the international appeal from Western Sahara Resource Watch, WSRW, which demands that Western Sahara should be explicitly excluded if the EU and Morocco agrees on deepened cooperation.
"It is evident for the Green Party to support this petition. Unfortunately, today the world gives its silent consent to the occupation of Western Sahara and to the torture and discrimination of the Sahrawis. Morocco's actions violate international law and human rights, they defy the United Nations, the International Court of Justice in The Hague and the African Union. A close cooperation between the EU and Morocco, where the Saharawi territory is included, would help to give further legitimacy to the occupation", said Ellinor Scheffert, international spokesperson of the Green Party, in a press release today.
For further information:
Ellinor Scheffert, (+46) (0)702-93 55 74
Mattias Bengtsson, press secretary,
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