Moroccan authorities arbitrary arrested, Sunday December 21.2008, some Saharawi citizens following a peaceful demonstration that took place in the occupied capital of Western Sahara, El Aaiun, demanding Saharawi people’s right to self-determination. Dozens of citizens, including women and children have participated in two demonstrations in Lahohum neighbourhood before Moroccan repressive forces intervened and arrested three young saharawis: Rageb Baihi, Alhnafi Ghazoani and Mohamed Baihi. In the same context, Ibn Battuta School in Al-Amal Square in the same city lived a violent intervention of the Moroccan police forces after dozens of students gathered in a peaceful demonstration to demand the right to self-determination. The intervention resulted in the arrest of five students, mainly Bourkba Ahmed, Salem Touif, Ahmed Khalil, Essami Mohamed, and Faitah Mohamed before being released after they were beaten and intimidated. Meanwhile, the Saharawi political detainees in the Black prison (Carcel Negra) in El Aaiun started a 48 hours hunger strike to protest against their imprisonment in the same cell with criminals. |
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