The Saharawi political prisoners in the Carcel Negra (Black jail) in occupied El Aaiun, expressed Wednesday their full solidarity with their compatriots on hunger strike since 43 days in Boulemharez prison (Southern Morocco), in a press release, a copy of which was received at SPS. Sahrawi students Brahim Baryaz, Ali Salem Ablagh and Khalihnna Abul Hassan have conducted since February 12 an indefinite hunger strike in the prison of Marrakech to protest against their conditions of detention that do not respect international conventions that the Kingdom of Morocco has signed. The President of the French Association of Friendship and Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa (AFASPA), Jean Paul Escoffier, notified Tuesday the King of Morocco regarding their situation in the prison of Marrakech. In this regard, CODESA also appealed to the international human rights organizations to intervene urgently to save the lives of Sahrawi prisoners of conscience of a "certain death".
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